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We, like thousands of other independent scientists and therapists around the world do not subscribe to the totally flawed hypothesis that HIV causes AIDS. HIV will show up on test in one laboratory and not another for the same person at the same time. Many persons who have had common infections such as influenza recently, show up as HIV positive. Many AIDS sufferers show up as HIV negative. For the first time in the history of medical science a test that shows anti-bodies present to a virus that has never been recognized or identified is seen as a disease rather than as a healthy immune response. To date no scientists has even proved the existence of HIV, and a reward of several thousand pounds has been held up for that proof.
The terrible tragedy of all this, is that if you subject yourself to an HIV test and it shows positive (have it checked again at another laboratory, it may show negative!) you will be encouraged to take toxic drugs that will help to destroy your immune system. If you were already ill with chronic infections and immune system problems then the drugs eventually usually kill you, and always AZT WILL KILL YOU. So beware, read widely to de-programme from the misinformation that is now endemic around the planet.
Court Rules Virus (Including HIV) Not Proven To Cause 'Aids'
After years of claims by the AIDS establishment that a link between HIV and immune suppression had been established a High Court found the claim without merit and a unfounded deception. This is the first legal trail of the HIV/AIDS hypothesis and a historic defeat for AID$ Inc. The State intentionally is using non-valid tests to persuade healthy persons to take a deadly long-term medication. The persons, being healthy before being tested die during the long-term-medication. The German Parliament, since years intentionally is securing that this crime continues. After years of claims by the AIDS establishment that a link between HIV and immune suppression had been established a High Court found the claim without merit and a unfounded deception. This is the first legal trail of the HIV/AIDS hypothesis and a historic defeat for AID$ Inc. Please see the full article Court rules virus (including HIV) not proven to cause 'AIDS'
Please also refer to "AIDS THE SELENO-ENZYME SOLUTION" - Eating foods grown in selenium-deficient soils or having a prior infection by a selenium-encoding pathogen are factors that promote susceptibility to HIV infection & ultimately AIDS.
Contact Us if you have questions regarding nutritional support for HIV, click the links below for product articles or to buy in our online shop.
Removal of Blocks to Health, Healing and Wellness
We have defined the major blocks to health improvement which should be considered the number one priority for resolution before one goes on to a more specific healing regimen such as that detailed in the programme above. By removing these blocks one will feel stronger and more prepared for a specific programme and will achieve far greater success with it. Please read this essential article here
The Autoimmune Protocol
Not all of the remedies listed here will neccessarily be needed. We strive to bring you the most effective remedies to resolve your health problems in the simplest supplemental regime possible. We aim to treat the actual root causes of health problems holistically rather than supply remedies that will give temporary or partial relief from only the symptoms. This has been our mission since the founding of Regenerative Nutrition in 1994. As we uncover more fundamental truths about the causes, and therefore the relief, of diseases and health problems we update and revise our product range and recommendations.
Above, we detail targeted remedy recommendations for HIV, but we further suggest that you view the autoimune protocol article and supplement pages by
clicking here
To achieve overall good health and long term resolution of this health problem the remedies selected here should be combined with the autoimmune protocol remedies for the best results.
It may well be that there is some overlap and that many of the remedies in the autoimmune protocol are listed here also.
If you need any assistance in selecting the most suitable remedies, or have any questions, please Contact Us