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Natural Remedies for Parasites
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Our patients take Wormwood capsules (Artemisia Absinthium), an anti-parasitic herb that has been used for many years as a digestive tonic. This fights parasites in the bowel. These capsules should be taken with water, three capsules twice a day for the first month, and three capsules daily for subsequent months. Usually a three month course is sufficient. The capsules may be taken just before food as a digestive tonic and to improve appetite, otherwise they may be taken on an empty stomach, on rising and retiring or in between meals.    
The regular consumption of protein digestive enzymes will help eliminate intestinal parasites and other infestations of intestine/bowel and even in the rest of the body. Old muco-protein that is the result of the poor digestion of cooked protein, builds up throughout the intestinal tract and large bowel (and elsewhere) and can harbor parasites/worms. Protein digestive enzymes will gradually digest this old waste muco-protein and even dissolve the parasites that may otherwise cling on.  One can use either Multi-Enzyme Protect (contains Protease) or Mature Green Papaya powder to provide the protein digestion of old muco-protein and parasites.
Maintain a healthy bacterial population of the intestinal tract and bowel by using Primebiotic, this contains 13 beneficial bacteria with a far more systemic powerful effect than yogurt or other similar culture mediums. This will help to create the conditions where parasites cannot exist.
Zell-Oxygen supports the growth of beneficial micro-flora and helps provide overall energy for proper detoxification and bowel/intestinal peristalisis.
Scientific research has shown that the active ingredient in Olive Leaf Extract, oleuropein, has powerful healing properties that fights parasites.  Olive leaf extract has been used as a natural antibiotic for thousands of years; when the active components were isolated in 1969, an upsurge of research has resulted in dramatic discoveries.
Research at the Upjohn Company, published by the American Society for Microbiology, found that the active components, elenol acid and calcium elenolate, inhibited the growth of every virus, bacteria, fungi and protozoa they were tested against.   (They tested over 30 micro organisms!).  Olive Leaf Extract acts to prevent the onset of colds, flu, and a range of viruses; yeast, fungal and mould problems; bacterial infections; and parasites. 
For thousands of years, humans around the world have recognized the tremendous healing properties of a legendary herb - Nigella Sativa, or Black Seed.  The protective and healing powers of Black Seed are so astoundingly comprehensive and varied that for thousands of years humans have regarded it as a "Miracle Cure”. It works by assisting the body in its own natural healing processes. Black Seed has an unprecedented strengthening effect upon the immune system, and works in a host of other ways to promote optimum health and well being.   Just one of its mechanisms of action is "Anthelmintic" (Also know as vermicide or vermifuge) which means that it destroys and expels intestinal parasites.
Please also see the article relating to Candida Albicans the dietary guidelines provided here help in all parasitic infections


Removal of Blocks to Health, Healing and Wellness

We have defined the major blocks to health improvement which should be considered the number one priority for resolution before one goes on to a more specific healing regimen such as that detailed in the programme above. By removing these blocks one will feel stronger and more prepared for a specific programme and will achieve far greater success with it. Please read this essential article here

The Core Regime

Not all of the remedies listed here will neccessarily be needed. We strive to bring you the most effective remedies to resolve your health problems in the simplest supplemental regime possible. We aim to treat the actual root causes of health problems holistically rather than supply remedies that will give temporary or partial relief from only the symptoms. This has been our mission since the founding of Regenerative Nutrition in 1994. As we uncover more fundamental truths about the causes, and therefore the relief, of diseases and health problems we update and revise our product range and recommendations.

Above, we detail targeted remedy recommendations for Parasites, but we further suggest that you view the core regime article and supplement pages by clicking here

To achieve overall good health and long term resolution of this health problem the remedies selected here should be combined with core regime remedies for the best results.

It may well be that there is some overlap and that many of the remedies in the core regime are listed here also.

If you need any assistance in selecting the most suitable remedies, or have any questions, please Contact Us


Supplements for Parasites

The supplements recommended for the treatment of Parasites are listed below. Not all will necessarily be discussed in the article, as some may have been added after the article was posted. If a listed supplement is not mentioned within the article, or you wish to know more about any of the listed supplements, you can find out more information by clicking on that supplement below. You can also now add to your basket directly from this page.


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Disclaimer: Regenerative Nutrition advocates a holistic approach to natural health and wellbeing. The body's ability and power to heal depends upon the totality of diet, nutrition, lifestyle and environmental factors. The information provided in our article is for information purposes only, it in no way constitutes a medical consultation, or medical advice, nor is it intended to be taken as a solicitation to purchase our products.

Always consult a health care practitioner when combating disease states.

No claim for the cure of any disease is intended, or implied nor do we claim that our products will treat, cure or prevent any disease.