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Ionic minerals and trace elements - Inland sea water Concentrate - The great normaliser of pH and hence health foundation
A way to re-balance the internal terrain and provide a balance mixture of Minerals and trace elements that is complimentary to the minerals profile found in fruits and vegetables.
Inland Sea Water contains a complex matrix of minerals and trace elements that is almost identical to a healthy extracellular fluid. This is because human cells originated in the ocean as single celled life forms that gradually, over time, joined together to form more complex organisms such as fish, fish evolved to land based animals and eventually to the human species. The dependence on sea water around our cells remains. The human physiology has found ways of producing this internal ocean from food, but it is often not completed properly due to many factors including insufficient minerals and trace minerals in the soil and modern farming methods in general. consequently our food.
In order to thrive the body needs an actual input of unrefined salt. This issue is discussed in the Celtic salt article here. Inland Sea Water concentrate also called Ionic liquid minerals and trace elements is the most healthy way to consume salt.
Below optimum health and related cell energy reduces the bodies ability to absorb, regulate and transmute elements. By supplementing with Inland sea water concentrate in the correct way, health is boosted, along with normalisation of the internal terrain. This in turn is a potent way to normalise the pH of all the bodies fluids, balancing excess acid or alkalinity and helping to establish and maintain correct electrical cell potentials. Supplementing with Inland sea water concentrate is a most fundamental and simple way to support overall physiology. This in turn is a major antidote to the establishment of almost all chronic disease including cancer and auto-immune diseases.
Correct cell pH and mineral balance and sufficiency is the bottom line in health preservation.
Inland sea water concentrate contains approximately 30% minerals of which sodium chloride i.e. salt is around 75%. Each teaspoon contains about 0.7g salt and 42 mg Magnesium. 10 ml Inland sea water concentrate therefore contains about 2.4g salt and around 100mg magnesium. All the minerals and trace elements from the earths crust and hence all the minerals and trace elements used in human physiology are present, many of them only in minute amounts as are needed. It is the full and extremely complex synergy of the mineral matrix that produces the effect of normalising our physiology through its fundamental symbiotic relationship to the vast amounts of extracellular fluid all our cells are bathed in, a typical adult having about 22 pints or 12 litres.
The History of the outstanding therapeutic applications of sea water are given in extensive detail at
Of the 90 + minerals and trace minerals (also referred to as trace elements) found in sea water lithium is present in moderate amounts. Just this one element shows health benefits thus: Scientists at University College London investigating healthy ageing discovered that when given to fruit flies in low doses, lithium chloride (The same form as found in sea water) extended their longevity by up an average of 16 per cent.
The magnesium content of Inland sea water concentrate is high enough so that when 10 mls a day are consumed magnesium deficiency is resolved The great benefits of magnesiums multiple actions are enhanced by its synergistic effects with all the other minerals present.
We consider taking magnesium in this form is, in the long term, superior to taking magnesium removed from sea water or other forms of magnesium as isolates.
Inland Sea water concentrate may be used instead of salt on food and more specifically in drinks or taken diluted in water.
Take up to 5-20 ml daily. For persons who have been on a very low salt diet it may be best to start at about 6ml daily (2 teaspoons) and build up the amount over a period of a few weeks.
Note: one typical UK domestic level tea spoon is around 3 ml. A UK medicinal teaspoon is 5 ml. Typical USA or Canada domestic teaspoons are 5ml.
How to Take Inland sea water concentrate for general supplementation
1/Add to food instead of salt to taste.
2/ Add e.g. 1 teaspoon (3 or 5 ml spoon) to food drinks such as vegetable or fruit juices , smoothies
3/ Add e.g. 1 teaspoon (3 or 5 ml spoon) may be added to regular teas of coffee.
Specific Ways to use Inland sea water for more intense therapeutic action
1/ Dilute Inland sea water concentrate to 1/30th it’s strength. This is called isotonic, the same concentration of the extracellular fluids. e.g 5 ml Inland sea water concentrate (Inland sea water bottle one capful) top up with non-chlorinated water to 150 ml. Divide this into 3 or 4 doses daily e.g drink a third of the glass three times daily e.g. on rising , midday and on retiring. If you have trouble sleeping and wake in the night often times drinking some Inland sea water concentrate diluted to isotonic will enable sleep to return. A single 150 ml approx. of isotonic may also be drunk at anytime e.g. to aid sleep or quickly move the body back into balance if regular Inland sea water has not been taken, e.g if feeling stressed or out of normal balance.
2/ A more powerful method to Improve physiology including strengthening the immune and repair systems and even overcoming infections:
The standard therapy for this is to dilute Inland sea water concentrate 10 times i.e. 10 ml and top up to 100 ml with non-chlorinated water. This is called hypertonic as it is 3 times the concentration of extracellular fluid. One takes just 10 ml of this hypertonic dilution a few times a day e.g. 3 or 4 x’s daily or up to 6x’s daily in serious cases such as cancer therapy support, acute infections. The total salt you are having from this is about 1.5 g -3g over the day. However the effect in bringing things into balance is powerful and the dose repetition is more significant that the quantity. By ingesting the whole spectrum of minerals and trace elements this way the balance of fluids and salts inside and outside the cells tends to be normalised.
For lots of information on this amazing subject go to
Sea water has generally been used historically as a therapy for a whole range of diseases.
this includes the hard to treat infections such as tuberculosis. It can be used as a sole therapy or part of a therapeutic regime for almost all conditions. usually hypertonic is used but in some cases to make the therapy more gentle such as eczema to lessen aggravations isotonic is used at first.
Contra-indications of Hypertonic
Seawater Hypertonic dilution is suitable for all except those who suffer from high blood pressure, a heart condition, kidney disease, eczema or psoriasis. In such cases, Isotonic seawater should be employed for several weeks and then one can switch over to hypertonic dilution.
Contra-indications isotonic seawater-none
Hypertonic or Isotonic Seawater dilutions Instructions for use
The dilution is to be taken orally on an empty stomach 20 to 30 minutes before meals or at least 1 1/2 - 2 hours after meals.
The dilution is to be taken hypertonic or isotonic. For children who find the product too salty, it may be taken diluted in some milk or juice.
The Solution may be taken on a short term basis, over several weeks or months, or regularly year round, according to individual requirements. This product is not classified as a drug but is considered by traditional medicine an energy-boosting, re-balancing and regenerating nutritional supplement.
(Note: For general use in food and drinks Inland Sea Water Concentrate is ideally taken on a permanent basis.)
Instructions for dosing.
generally hypertonic ( i.e. dilute 1 part from bottle add to 9 parts water) then, of that dilution:
From birth to one year of age - 10 ml in the feeding bottle every other day.
From 1 to 4 years of age - 10 ml daily away from meals.
Over 4 years of age - 10 to 40 ml daily according to the severity of the case. One takes just 10 ml of this per dose, e.g if taking 40 ml daily thats 4 X 10ml doses taken approximately evenly spread across the day. Example: on rising, on retiring and two doses even spread in the day.
Adults - 30 to 60 ml daily according to the severity of the case. One takes just 10 ml of this per dose, e.g if taking 40 ml daily thats 4 X 10ml doses, taken approximately evenly spread across the day. Example: on rising, on retiring and two doses evenly spread across the day.
Elderly people - 10 to 20 ml per day, or as required - over several months can use isotonic generally . One takes just 10 ml of this per dose, e.g if taking 20 ml daily thats 2 X 10ml doses. Example: one dose on rising and one on retiring.
These days the therapy is practised mainly by therapists in Canada with the use of ocean sea water not far from Canada’s shores. It is sterilised and filtered before bottling. Due to the processing and weight of shipment it is fairly expensive and used in small amounts. Personally I prefer Inland sea water concentrate, otherwise called ionic liquid minerals and trace elements. It is naturally concentrated to 10 X’s the concentration of ocean sea water by sun evaporation. It contains the same mineral and trace element profile of ocean sea water. It has the advantages of less pollution than ocean water and due to it’s high concentration does not have to be sterilised prior to use. Each batch comes with a heavy metal and mineral analysis. We feel a product that has not been sterilised (i.e. raised to over 70C) is just as good, if not superior. It is far more economical due to only needing to be filtered and shipping is much less due to its concentration. A 250ml bottle of the concentrate is equivalent to 2,500 ml ocean water or 7,500 ml of isotonic solution.
Note: I experimented on myself and promoted the use of Inland sea water for about 15 years before finding the Ocean plasma information. I find the general use in food and drinks suits me well and has normalised both the urine and saliva pH. This regular use as part of the general diet leaves room to introduce new nutritional supplements to my regime with out concerns of overstimulation, and also acts to help with the integration of nutritional remedies and energy therapies.
Take time to look at the ocean plasma website and there are many internal links so it takes a few visits to get to know the site properly. Basically, they are saying that it is not disease specific but as needs must, the history of use concentrates on certain diseases. Originally most of the therapy was via injection. Early on in the study of ocean sea water it was tested on poor dogs to see how safe it was. The most extreme experiment was to completely replace all of a dogs blood with ocean sea water at isotonic solution (1/3 the strength of sea water). Within a few days the dog completely recovered and was more healthy than before! Isotonic sea water can be used as a replacement for blood plasma and is certainly a more healthy alternative to the typical 0.9% saline i.e. refined salt given in hospitals today when a person is unable to drink/feed. During world war 2 it was in fact used as a replacement for blood plasma. In this context one could state that isotonic sea water is less toxic than water, in fact many people are damaging their health by adhering to misguided common vogue advice about drinking a set amount of water daily. For more on this seehere. Some people have died by drinking excess water in a day (e.g. over 1 gallon due to excessive dilution of the blood salts). Leading on from this, there are interesting actions of drinking different concentrations of sea water.
1/ Drinking less than Isotonic for a day of or more i.e. 10 ml Inland sea water concentrate to 500 ml water. Sip over the day or take in at least 3 divided doses each am, midday, on retiring.
This has a great calming effect on the physiology and may engender calm and wanting to rest or sleep in the day. Can be used occasionally for calming excess energy/hyperactive states. Best to use just for a day or two then revert to the more balanced isotonic or hypertonic if undertaking that as a therapy.
2/ Drinking Isotonic: Tends to bring the system to balance. May aid sleep if taken on retiring or when waking in the night e.g. 100 ml of isotonic.
3/ Drinking Hypertonic: Used as a specific therapy either a stand alone therapy or combined with other nutrients at different times of the day. Dose : 10 ml hypertonic , typically 3 times a day at least 30 minutes away from food or drinks. More details of this have been given previously in this article.
50 year old woman Weeping infectious eczema on her face, neck, hands, and arms, strong itching. 30, 50 and 100cc ocean sea water dilutions injections twice a week. Itching stopped after the third injection, weeping after the fourth. Total quantity of injected plasma: about 560cc. No other adjunctive treatment given Result: completely cured in 35 days - From: |
Dyspepsia, chronic enterocolitis and terminal cachexia (Extreme weight loss etc.)
20 year old woman with continuous loss of weight for the previous five years; daily vomiting for the previous two years. Absence of periods for the previous four years. Two hospital stays remained without improvement. Only treatment: Quinton Plasma injections: 30, 50, 75cc injections three times a week. Total quantity of injected plasma: 1000cc. Milk is tolerated after the very first injection, then, progressively, eggs, vegetables and meat. Her constipation disappeared after the third injection. Gained 7.1kg in two months, normal periods after 45 days, regular diet gradually accepted. The second photograph was taken 2 months after the first. Now the weight is 42kg 500g. The weight eventually increased to 49kg 600g. Complete cure.
From: |
For further photographic examples please see here.
A summary of oral use of Ocean Water (quoted from
One hundred years ago, seawater was used traditionally by many medical doctors for a large variety of afflictions, often with remarkable success.
From 1905 until the beginning of the first world war in 1914, the biologist René Quinton carried out a tremendous amount of research to prove that diluted seawater (isotonic) is identical to the internal body environment, and he determined that seawater is a direct blood replacement. From these experiments he developed special harvesting methods for seawater and established a viable protocol for administering his increasingly popular therapy that he simply named "The Marine Method". Many case histories attest to the effectiveness of the seawater treatments. The protocol for oral use of Marine Plasma (Ocean Plasma) is exceedingly simple.
The medical doctor Jean Jarricot (pediatrician) worked for many years in his Dispensary where he treated literally thousands of children with seawater, his Marine Plasma, and he collaborated with Quinton to document detailed therapies and treatment protocols for nurslings. He had particularly good success with children afflicted with athrepsia and cholera. Even back in 1924, he already practiced oral use of seawater.
As early as 1906, seawater was used with great success by D. Robert Simon in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis and even back then, oral use was mentioned.
Although Dr. Olivier Macé does not mention oral use, he had tremendous success in 1924 using isotonic seawater injections with difficult pregnancies and pre-natal applications. His detailed case histories are interesting to peruse.
In 1954 Dr. R. Bench reported good improvement among one hundred allergic patients. In all his cases, he reported the profound effect of the marine plasma on the total organism.
Dr. H. Hansche (1957) observed that oral administration of marine plasma had powerful regulating action on the intestines. As well, he obtained remarkable improvements in many patients suffering from asthma and eczema.
Cancer, Leukimia and Multiple Sclerosis
Seawater therapy constitutes a valuable adjunctive therapy in the medical treatment of these diseases. While it is certainly not organ-specific, it does normalize cell electrolytes, pH values and mineral imbalances as well as increase overall vitality. Seawater has a rapid beneficial impact on the entire body system.
40 to 60 ml must be taken regularly every day over a period of many months, in the same way as previously described for adults, thus: Adults - 30 to 60 ml daily according to the severity of the case. One takes just 10 ml of this per dose, e.g if taking 40 ml daily that’s 4 X 10ml doses, taken approximately evenly spread across the day. Example: on rising, on retiring and two doses even spread in the day.
For our article on Multiple scerosis and treatment combinations/options seehere
For our article on Cancer and treatment combinations/options seehere
Hypertonic and Isotonic Solution in cases of Acute or Chronic Fatigue
For our article on Acute or Chronic Fatigue and treatment combinations/options seehere
Note: For hypersensitive types and those who easily become overstimulated and ‘crash’ easily start with isotoninc dilution for sufficient time to be able to process the higher energy of hypertoninc solutions.
Acute fatigue:
Where the fatigue is temporary and has only just recently arisen:
An intensive course of treatment of 30 to 40 ml a day for 2 to 3 weeks is recommended. This method uses 10 ml doses three to four times daily
If the fatigue is more deeply rooted and has reached a more debilitating phase:
30 to 40 ml a day for 3 weeks, then reduce to 20 ml a day until recovery is complete.
Chronic Fatigue:
30 ml a day, 40 if desired, for 3 to 6 weeks, then reduce to 20 ml a day until recovery is complete. This method uses 10 ml doses two, three or four times daily
Note: 20ml Inland sea water concentrate provides about 5g salt, less than the recommended daily amount as discussed in our extensive information on salt in our Celtic salt article. So if consuming 10 to 20 ml a day of Inland sea water concentrate you can still add unrefined salt to taste on food or better still sprinkle on some Inland sea water concentrate to taste.
"And more In a recent study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), 31 researchers found moderate salt intake to be associated with the lowest risk of cardiovascular events whereas low intakes, equivalent to less than 7.5 gram salt or 3 slightly rounded common domestic teaspoons daily (1.5 medicinal heaped teaspoons of salt per day) , were associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular death and hospitalisation for congestive heart failure, higher intakes of more than 17.5 gram or approximately 6 x 3 ml teaspoons (3.5 level medicinal spoons) of salt per day, were associated with an increased risk of stroke, heart attack and other cardiovascular events. Once again, a J-shaped curve appeared to describe the dose-response relationship.
How to Test Your pH levels.
This can be monitored by taking your urine and saliva pH every day at about the same time e.g. on rising.
Saliva pH Test: Use a small container, e.g. egg cup sized to deposit samples of urine in one and saliva in another. There should be no trace of food or drink in the mouth prior to spitting out saliva sample into the container. While generally more acidic than blood, salivary pH mirrors the blood and tells us what the body retains. It is a fair indicator of the health of the extracellular fluids and their alkaline mineral reserves. The optimal pH for saliva is 6.4 to 6.8. A reading consistantly lower than 6.4 is indicative of insufficient alkaline reserves. After eating, the saliva pH should rise to 7.5 or more. To deviate from an ideal salivary pH for an extended time invites illness.
Urine pH Test Urine can provide a fairly accurate picture of body chemistry, because the kidneys filter out the buffer salts of pH regulation and provide values based on what the body is eliminating. Urine pH can vary from around 4.5 to 9.0 in extremes, but the ideal range is 6.4 to 6.8.
If urine and saliva pH are the same or close to the same on a consistant basis this indicates the physiology is basically in a balanced healthy state. Conversley if they are quite deviant to each other this indicates some inbalance in regulatory systems.
Urine testing may indicate how well your body is excreting acids and assimilating minerals, especially calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. These minerals function as "buffers." Buffers are substances that help maintain and balance the body .
According to the successful therapist Dr Carey Reams the most important thing for long term health is to engender a good state of mineralisation and prevent mineral loss as normally occurs as we age. Adequate mineral balance/management is indicated by pH readings of around 6.4 for both urine and saliva and this will also indicate a good state of alkalisation (7.34) of body fluids and tissues one of the prime indications of good health and longevity if maintained.
It can be difficult to find a suitable and accurate pH paper for testing urine and saliva pH we have found these to be suitablepH Hydron papers. To use, place pH paper in the urine or saliva sample and remove as soon as wetted i.e. in about 1 second then observe colour the pH paper strip changes to at about 5 seconds to ascertain the pH number. Personally I find my pH values have normalised since taking Inland sea water regularly. Note: excessive pH readings are not healthy e.g. saliva and or Urine regularly above 7 over the course of the day indicates a metabolic imbalance. As Inland sea water is fractionally above neutral -(but a very strong pH buffer) i.e. almost identical pH value to the blood it will tend to re-balance pH values even if they are too alkaline. Most persons are overly acidic. In this situation the blood itself strives to remain at 7.34 and calcium will be withdrawn from the bones to achieve this, resulting in various disorders such as osteoporosis, arthritis. Also virtually all chronic disease is partly engendered by an overly acid internal terrain, as this leads to poor oxygenation and encouragement of the multiplication of harmful micro-organisms and ultimately cancer.
Even though the pH status may not seem to be a urgent situation it importance should not be underestimated. While attention to an alkaline forming diet i.e sufficient fruits and vegetables and not too much protein is useful to provide some alkalisation support as are superfoods such as Barely grass juice powder, greens in general, the most powerful way to support healthy pH is with balanced mineral supplementation. From checking my pH daily for many years I have found that even though I have a highly alkaline forming diet my pH only became normalised with regular consumption of Inland sea water. Promoting magnesium supplementation without addressing the needs for full spectrum salt is a widespread nutritional error, and I look forward to the time when it is widely recognised that normalising the internal terrain with the most balanced and homogeneous minerals solution i.e sea water, is the best mineralisation option for health promotion.
If urine pH is consistently above 6.8 it sometimes suggests the body is losing minerals and this can in some cases be due to weak adrenals resulting in insufficient mineral retaining hormone (aldosterone) and is often accompanied by low blood pressure and sometimes also fatigue and or chronic fatigue. In these situations if salt/Inland sea water does not correct, liquorice can correct this. see article Adrenal Boost
Food based minerals are also important. The food based minerals are richer in calcium, potassium and phosphorus for example. These are more predominant inside the bodies cells. A diet containing plenty of fruits and vegetables provides much of these. I have found no better land /plant profile mineral complex than that contained in Black Strap Molasses. I refer the reader to the book Black Strap Molasses by Cyril Scott. In it he details many cures of diseases especially arthritis, nerve cases, even cancer. If one is concerned about the sugar content it should be noted that a study has found regular use of molasses actually results in weight reduction, no doubt due to the many beneficial minerals and the nutrients found in this concentrate. Standard molasses therapy is a teaspoon of the organic black strap molasses in a cup of hot water three times a day. I find it convenient to add to food, drinks e.g. nice with coffee, or mix with smoothies. Up to a dessertspoon per drink. It is best in general to take separately from Inland sea water as the immediate combination can be rather draining for persons of low inherent energy while adapting to it.
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