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We have reintroduced Cinnamon!!

Cinnamon is a supplement that is beneficial for a wide range of health complaints including:

  • heart disease
  • arthritis
  • hair loss
  • bladder infections
  • toothache
  • bad breath
  • diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting
  • colds,
  • infertility,
  • upset stomach, flatulence, indigestion
  • immune boosting, longevity,
  • skin infections,
  • fatigue,
  • hearing loss
  • weight loss.

Adults may take 2 – 4 capsules per day depending on personal requirements.

Scientific research in to Cinammon

Cinnamon has been linked to helping to prevent and treat Alzheimer's disease, and much scientific research is taking place with this focus. Cinnamon is also confirmed acts as a digestive aid and can often relieve bloated feelings.

Cinnamon for Diabetes

Some very interesting research had been in to cinnamon as a diabetes treatment. Cinnamon has been found to act like insulin, which decreases blood glucose levels, triglycerides and cholesterol.As little as 3 capsules a day for a diabetic can significantly reduce blood glucose levels. Please visit the "Further Reading" tab above for advice on more conditions Cinnamon can aid, or see "Health uses" tab. Don’t forget you can contact usonline for advice on supplements too.



Some facts about Cinnamon

The Cinnamomum Verum tree, also commonly known as "true cinnamon", Ceylon or Sri Lanka cinnamon belongs to the plant family Lauraceae, which is native to Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, India, and Myanmar. The inner bark of this tree is used to make cinnamon.

Cinnamomum verum trees are 10–15 metres tall. The leaves can grow up to 18cm long. The flowers are a pale green colour, and have a distinct scent. Small purples berries grow on a cinnamon tree.

True Cinnamon is made in South America and India, but cassia mainly in Asia Use of cassia as a supplement should be avoided as discussed within the further reading section of this article.

Madagascan Cinnamon - True Cinnamon
90 capsules x 400mg, No other ingredient

Cinnamon supplements have a whole host of health benefits when used correctly as part of a healthy diet. The information below is a comprehensive guide listing facts about Cinnamon, popular uses and medical research.

Be wary of rogue species of cinnamon

The type of cinnamon contained in Regenerative Nutrition’s cinnamon vegecaps is "True cinnamon” or "Cinnamomum verum” This is the only truly safe species of cinnamon that should be used as a health supplement.

Other types of cinnamon available can be toxic and if over-consumed cause live and kidney damage. The types of cinnamon to be avoided are

- Cinnamon aromaticum (Cassia or Chinese cinnamon),
- Cinnamon burmannii (Korintje or Indonesian cinnamon),
- Cinnamon loureiroi (Saigon cinnamon or Vietnamese cinnamon)
- Cinnamon aromaticum
- Cinnamon loureiroi

We highly recommend, for your own wellbeing, that only capsules containing pure "True Cinnamon” such as Regenerative Nutrition’s capsules are the only ones that you purchase.

Alternative Ways to Take your Regenerative Nutrition Cinnamon Capsules

Our vegecaps can be easily pulled apart and the contents sprinkled in to warm water to make tea, or used with any of the recipes outlined in the uses section below. The most beneficial aspect of cinnamon is its essential oil, so do not add very hot water or these may evaporate.

How to Store your Regenerative Nutrition cinnamon supplements

Powdered cinnamon tends to dry out and lose its essential oils. That’s why we recommend keeping your cinnamon supplements stored in the vegecaps until consumption and the jar tightly sealed, and use all the contents within 3 months of opening to get the maximum benefit from your purchase.

Potential side effects of Cinnamon Supplements

Like any change to your diet, the addition of Cinnamon supplements may disrupt your sleep a little. If this does happen, take one capsule in the morning only until your body has adapted, then gradually increase the dose. The time to adapt to new health supplements or diet changes is usually one to three weeks.

Alternative uses for Cinnamon Verum for Health

The following are a list of past and present uses for cinnamon verum for a wide range of ailments.

Cinnamon is very popular for weight loss diets

Dieters regularly rave about cinnamon and honey solution for weight loss. Due to its cleansing and detoxifying properties, cinnamon can help to shed extra inches by relieving bloating and eliminating toxins that slow down the digestive process.

A common use of cinnamon for weight loss is mixing it with warm water and honey in the evening and drinking half the mixture before going to sleep, and cooling the other half of the mixture to drink in the morning.

The release of toxins often also improves energy and mood.

Cinnamon Paste for Reducing Heart Disease and Lowering Chloresteral

Cinnamon powder can be mixed with honey and used as a paste on various breads and toast for breakfast. Regular consumption of cinnamon paste will strengthen the heartbeat, prevent artery blockages, and revitalise blood flow. This is a popular remedy in many nursing homes in America and Canada.

Cinnamon to treat pain and relieve itching from insect bites

Mixing honey with water and a small teaspoon of cinnamon powder creates a smooth paste to apply to insect bites. After adding the cinnamon paste, bites are much less itchy and painful.

Cinnamon Tea to treat arthritis

A cinnamon tea made with hot water, two spoons of honey and a teaspoon of cinnamon powder is a powerful pain reliever for arthritic pain if drunk 3 times a day, according to a test carried out by Copenhagen University on 200 arthritis sufferers.

Cinnamon powder treatment for hair loss 

Mixing up a special hair treatment using hot olive oil, a dash of cinnamon powder and a table spoon of honey has been found to be effective in treating hair loss if left on the scalp for 15 minutes before a shower.

Cinnamon to treat bladder infections

A cinnamon drink made with 2 table spoons of cinnamon powder, some luke warm water and a dash of honey to taste is thought to eliminate germs from the bladder.

Cinnamon paste for toothache

A sweet mixture of cinnamon powder and plenty of honey can be applied up to 3 times a day to an aching tooth to help relieve pain and throbbing.

Cinnamon and honey for coughs colds and sinus infections

Taking a small amount of warm honey and cinnamon powder during a cold helps to fight infection, clear coughs and catar and relieve sinus pain

Cinnamon for upset stomachs, indigestion and gas

Honey and cinnamon powder helps to aid digestion, relieve acidity and disperse excess gas and bloating

Studies and Research in to the Health Benefits of Cinnamon Supplements 

Some scientific facts about cinnamon 

·Doctors have proven that half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder a day can reduce LDL cholesterol.

·Several studies suggest that cinnamon stabilises blood sugar, which makes cinnamon especially beneficial Type 2 diabetes patients

·In some studies, cinnamon has shown an amazing ability to stop medication-resistant yeast infections.

·In a study published by researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Maryland, cinnamon reduced the proliferation of leukaemia and lymphoma cancer cells.

·Cinnamaldehyde has several effects on the blood

·Cinnamon is a strong antioxidant

·Cinnamon scent boosts brain function

·Cinnamon can stop blood from clotting.

·Cinnamon stops bacteria from spreading and growing, so acts as a natural food preservative

·Cinnamon is used in traditional Chinese Medicine

·Kansas State University studies revealed that cinnamon fights the E. coli bacteria in unpasteurised juices.

·Cinnamon is a very good source of manganese, fibre, iron, and calcium.

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Madagascan Cinnamon - 90 V/Caps
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2 Pack - £24.80 £12.40 each
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Disclaimer: Regenerative Nutrition advocates a holistic approach to natural health and wellbeing. The body's ability and power to heal depends upon the totality of diet, nutrition, lifestyle and environmental factors. The information provided in our article is for information purposes only, it in no way constitutes a medical consultation, or medical advice, nor is it intended to be taken as a solicitation to purchase our products.

Always consult a health care practitioner when combating disease states.

No claim for the cure of any disease is intended, or implied nor do we claim that our products will treat, cure or prevent any disease.