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Ocean Repair 100g

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Collagen is the essential structural component of all connective tissues, the fibrous protein constituent of skin, cartilage, bone, tooth, muscle and other connective tissue.

Gelatin is collagen that has been broken down to make it far easier to absorb. The highest quality fish gelatin has a very low molecular weight, meaning it is incredibly easy to absorb and digest and does not come out of solution even in the acid of the stomach, and will completely dissolve even in cold water. Ocean Repair by Regenerative Nutrition is extracted, by a biological enzyme process, from the fresh skin and scales of Tilapia and Codfish. Rich in 19 kinds of amino acids, it is virtually tasteless and can be added to any food or drink.

Some of the benefits of Gelatin include:
  • Helps reduce some of the effects of aging
  • Helps to keep the tissues, skin and cells hydrated
  • Aids good quality sleep
  • A natural Anti-Inflammatory
  • Aids thyroid function and promotes good metabolism
  • Supports and stimulates the immune system

Replenishing lost collagen is essential for creating permanently young looking skin and maintaining a healthy body. When you replenish lost collagen you activate your body's metabolism, allowing it to maintain its youthfulness. So collagen can help make skin lustrous and agile, even into old age.

Using Ocean Repair and Revive & Build in Combination

Ocean Repair is hydrolised collagen, also known as gelatin; Revive & Build is a combination of glycine & vitamin C

Why this particular combination?

One of the main healing nutrients in Ocean Repair is glycine. Glycine has many healing properties as detailed in the full article here. The ideal dose of glycine is in the region of 10g daily for most people. Since Ocean Repair is only about 30% glycine it would require 30g of Ocean Repair daily to achieve that level of glycine, so each pot would only last a few days. There are other valuable nutrients in Ocean Repair as detailed in the product info here. Hence, we recommend the combination, where Ocean Repair provides these nutrients and Revive & Build boosts the glycine to the proper daily level and further provides a good daily dose of vitamin C (1g). As well as being more effective in combination these remedies used together provide a more cost effective option than Ocean Repair alone.

You will see (if you look) that this combination is recommend as support for so many other supplements and health protocols throughout our website. There are several reasons for this. The prime one being the usefulness in tackling inflammation. For example; protein from meat is mostly derived from muscle. This being a prime source of inflammation, ageing and a host of related diseases because of the damaging effects of one of the amino acids found in muscle meats (amongst other sources such as cooked eggs). This amino acid is called methionine. Glycine at sufficient levels effectively deals with the toxic by-products of methionine to drastically reduce inflammation and related auto-immune responses. Furthermore, glycine is a major nutrient in the production of the main anti-oxidant in the body; glutathione. Ocean Repair works in tandem with glycine to support collagen repair and production. This is not just important in combatting the effects of ageing and arthritis, it is also important in maintaining the lining of the gut. This provides major protection agains the inflammatory bowel diseases. Furthermore, with regards to cancer; metastasis only occurs when collagen is weak. There are specific cancer protocols that work by boosting anti-oxidants and strengthening collagen with the amino acids found in this combination. Another example would be proline.

It is becoming widely recognised that most chronic diseases have a degree of inflammation and auto-immune responses at their core. So by protecting against collagen destruction many can be reversed.

Even using these 2 supplements alone can have dramatic and cost effective healing effects on the body. Adding a Selenium supplement such as detailed here further promotes the formation of the bodies main anti-oxidant; Glutathione.

In addition to..... (as detailed above) 
  • Tissue maintenance and repair
  • Powerful Anti-inflammatory action
  • Anti-oxidant co-factor provision
  • Quieting or elimination of autoimmune responses
  • Bowel wall support

Further benefits of this combination include

  • Circulation support
  • Growth hormone co-factor provision
  • Nervous system calming
  • Aid to good rest and sleep.
What is collagen?
Collagen is the essential structural component of all connective tissues, the fibrous protein constituent of skin (75%), cartilage, bone, tooth, muscle and other connective tissue. Collagen acts as a scaffold for our bodies, controlling cell shape and differentiation. More than a third of the body's protein is made of collagen.
Gelatin is collagen that has been broken down to make it far more easy to absorb. It is unlikely that actual collagen in its original state, as contained in beauty cosmetics, is able to be incorporated into the collagen of the skin. Fish gelatin taken orally is by far the more effective route. Gelatin, with its glycine and proline, apparently, does everything from reducing susceptibility to stress, to fighting tumors, to soothing the intestinal tract, to improving thyroid function and much more, as outlined in the article below. Gelatin also stimulates natural sleep.
The Highest Quality
Gelatin commonly available in the shops is almost invariably extracted from the left overs of pigs and cows and includes the hoofs, skin, bones, tendons (including all the hormones and GMO foods that have been given to these farm animals). Furthermore the extraction process involves either a strong alkali or acid. Those with experience of taking this kind of gelatin a few times in the evenings got the benefits of a sound sleep, but on waking felt there was "horrible toxins in my body, a kind of disgusting feeling".
On the other hand the best gelatin, also known as fish collagen, is made from the fins and skins of wild sea fish and extracted with an enzymatic process and comes with a certificate of analysis for all heavy metals, and has been tested also for radiation. No detectable radiation is present and all the heavy metals are extremely low, probably because they concentrate more in the flesh and inner organs of fish.
The highest quality fish gelatin has a very low molecular weight, meaning it is incredibly easy to absorb and digest and does not come out of solution even in the acid of the stomach, and will completely dissolve even in cold water. The fish collagen (polypeptide) in Ocean Repair by Regenerative Nutrition is mainly extracted from the fresh skin and scales of Tilapia and Codfish . Extracted by a biological enzyme process. The resultant extract is mainly type I collagen, rich in 19 kinds of amino acids with very a low molecular weight of 800 Dalton Units. It is virtually tasteless and can be added to any food or drink.
Why should one consume Hydrolyzed collagen on a regular basis for good health ?
Taking fish gelatin (A highly absorbable form of collagen) should be regarded as essential for a balanced healing diet, a Core Regime Essential.
Whilst for many the health benefits of gelatin are a new discovery, it is a traditional food used by hunter gatherers and all sensible omnivores around the world. Gelatin is especially important to those who do not eat meat (including gelatin rich meat broths that include bones and skin).
Some of the benefits of Gelatin include, but are not limited to: 
  • Helps reduce some of the effects of aging, by helping to maintain collagen repair for the health of the circulatory system, internal tissues and organs, the skin, nails and hair for health and good appearance
  • Helps to keep the tissues, skin and cells hydrated
  • Helps prevent the spread and development of cancer if it starts in one area, as strong connective tissue has been found to help prevent invasion of cancer into the tissues (for strong collagen, complimentary nutrients are Vitamin C and Organic Silicon/Vitalyza 3)
  • Aids good quality sleep
  • A natural Anti-Inflammatory
  • Aids thyroid function and promotes good metabolism
  • Supports and stimulates the immune system
  • Regulates hormone production (and with some people may aid the production of growth hormone)
  • Provides a type of protein profile that is needed to compliment and balance the diet that is not obtainable from meat, fish, eggs cheese, milk (except from the skins, fins and bones that we do not normally eat).
This must be considered a master remedy to help overcome difficult to treat chronic disease that have as their basis leaky gut syndrome; where many foods are absorbed through the gut prematurely, creating allergy and constant immune distress. Taking gelatin with food can, with time, reduce the tendency to allergic response and regular consumption of gelatin heals the gut. Bowel disorders such as Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis and Gluten Sensitivity (Celiac Disease) can be greatly reduced or eliminated by regular consumption of gelatin.
Autoimmune Disorders
All autoimmune disorders can potentially be helped due to gelatin's anti-allergy effect, general healing and immune system help. With rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis gelatin should be regarded as a lead remedy as it is possibly the best nutrient profile to renew the cartilage and bones of sufferers and in conjunction with Arthro-Care and/or Repair Tonic makes a winning team in cartilage, joint and bone restoration and repair.
One of the aspects of aging
Aging diminishes the amount of these tissues and proteins in the skin. This causes the collagen to become increasingly fibrous and inelastic; the skin becomes thin and fragile, collapses, and develops wrinkles. As collagen hardens and elastic tissues diminish, the skin loosens and lines and wrinkles form. With less elasticity, collagen fibers thicken and stiffen, causing even more wrinkling and the appearance of aging. This also happens internally to the blood vessels organs and all tissues. Bones are weakened and become porous.
Required for skin
Replenishing lost collagen is essential for creating permanently young looking skin and maintaining a healthy body. When you replenish lost collagen you activate your body's metabolism, allowing it to maintain its youthfulness. So collagen can help make skin lustrous and agile, even into old age.
Human Growth Hormone
Collagen may also help promote the extremely important HGH (human growth hormone). This is an anti-aging hormone and supports tissue repair and lean muscle. It can be purchased but is extremely expensive. The alternative is to take nutrient complexes that promote its production. Collagen is one of these nutrient complexes. The profound sleep one gets when consuming two teaspoons of collagen in the evening is an indication of improved healing and repair generally. HGH will quite literally make your body function as if it were younger - burning fat, building muscle, thicker, more resilient skin, stronger immune system, more energy,and other benefits.
Excerpts from: Why Broth is Beautiful: Essential Roles for Proline, Glycine and Gelatin
Written by Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, CCN
Full article available here
The evidence goes back more than a century and not only established gelatin's value to cartilage and bones but also to the skin, digestive tract, immune system, heart and muscles. Chondroitin sulfates and keratin sulfates (are synthesized in the body from Gelatin) In electrical terms, these chains carry negative charges and so repel each other. By keeping their distance from each other, they create space for the very water they attract. (These substances help with all tissue and skin hydration and also for cartilage integrity.)
Children and pregnant women need goodly amounts of glycine in the diet. Research indicates that glycine deficiency could limit growth in infants, and stated that the"demands of the growing fetus for glycine are very high, in both absolute terms and relative to other amino acids, two to ten times as great on a molecular basis." By optimizing the intake of this amino acid, the outcome of pre-term infants could be improved. (Gycine is abundant in gelatin)
Gelatin and the Liver
Back in 1935, Reuben Ottenberg, MD wrote in the Journal of the American Medical Association: "It has been suggested that the administration of extra amounts of proteins containing an abundance of glycine (such as gelatin) will help the work in the liver. This seems particularly plausible since the recent work of Quick, who has shown that the ability of the liver to perform this protective synthesis is limited by the amount of glycine available."
Ottenberg concluded with the recommendation that patients with jaundice and other liver problems take 5 to l0 grams of gelatin per day either in the form of food or as a powdered medicinal supplement.
Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis
Connective tissue is regenerated very slowly, so this is a remedy that requires some patience. However amazing results have been reported; healing of joints that had been completely stiff and frozen and the gradual disappearance of arthritis. Best of all is the improvement in skin quality, with wrinkles smoothing out and even disappearing completely (For arthritis we thoroughly recommend a boron supplement to compliment gelatin, either Arthro Care and/or Repair Tonic. Details of the typical time for marked improvement of the arthritis are included in the literature for Arthro-Care).
Healthy Hair Skin and Nails
Hydrolyzed Fish Collagen (Gelatin) contains much larger amounts of the amino acids glycine and proline than many other proteins. These amino acids are necessary for promoting healthy tissue growth of hair, skin and nails.
Recent studies in Europe and Japan have indicated the benefit of consuming 10 grams of hydrolyzed collagen to improve skin hydration and reduce the number of micro and deep wrinkles compared to a placebo*.
It has been claimed that hydrolyzed collagen (Gelatin) may promote lean muscle mass through and the burning of fat rather than carbohydrates and proteins, lessening the symptoms of arthritis, toning and thickening skin, joint rebuilding, arterial strengthening, increased energy, organ rebuilding, alleviating osteoporosis, high blood pressure, bladder weakness, chronic fatigue, shallow breathing, autoimmune, skin problems, and splitting nails.
"Collagen increases blood circulation because it exhibits one of the highest dynamic effects (increase in metabolic rate and rise in body temperature) of any food”
Nutrition Report International
"Proline and hydroxyproline are essential for collagen formation and maintenance, useful in all conditions effecting status of supporting structure, and in reducing collagen degeneration during the aging process”
 Amino Acids inTherapy
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Ocean Repair 100g

Ocean Repair 100 g
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Disclaimer: Regenerative Nutrition advocates a holistic approach to natural health and wellbeing. The body's ability and power to heal depends upon the totality of diet, nutrition, lifestyle and environmental factors. The information provided in our article is for information purposes only, it in no way constitutes a medical consultation, or medical advice, nor is it intended to be taken as a solicitation to purchase our products.

Always consult a health care practitioner when combating disease states.

No claim for the cure of any disease is intended, or implied nor do we claim that our products will treat, cure or prevent any disease.