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Immuno-Calm contains Kalawalla & Liquorice, two of the worlds best herbs for correcting immune system imbalance, and hence improving auto-immune disorders.

The fundamental action of the herb Kalawalla is to regulate the immune system, so that imbalances are corrected. Scientific studies and clinical trials with various auto-immune disorders have shown repeatedly that Kalawalla (Polypodium Leucotomos) works to improve or remove the disease state by normalising the immune system.

For serious conditions such as M.S. stabilisation of the disease usually occurs. With the resultant reduction of symptoms, and with time, the body can go on to heal itself.

Auto-immune disorders arise from an overactive immune response of the body against substances and tissues normally present in the body. In other words, the body attacks its own cells. This may be restricted to certain organs or involve a particular tissue in different places. The symptoms of the disease are detaermined by the specifics of these attacks, asthma, M.S., inflammatory bowel disorder or psoriasis for example. The list of auto-immune disorders is long and includes many health disorders that you may not have realised have an auto-immune component. These conditions are listed in the Kalawalla article linked below. Kalawalla has undergone many clinical studies that show that it regulates the CD4/CD8 ratios to their normal values. Most researchers will agree that this regulation alone is a key to offering protection against all types of auto-immune disorders.

Liquorice works in a different way to Kalawalla to help auto-immune disorders and, as such, is complementary to Kalawalla. They work together for the best possible impetus to ameliorate auto-immune disorders of all types. Liquorice contains glycosides called glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhizinic acid; these have a structure similar to the natural steroids in the body and tend to rapidly restore natural steroid production from the adrenal glands. In addition, the direct action of these glycosides, along with other ingredients in the liquorice, seem to have an almost magical effect in reducing inflammation and the entire auto-immune mal-response.

Each capsule contains
Liquorice 5 x Concentrate 125mg
Liquorice Root Powder 125mg
Kalawalla (Polypodium Legucotomos Extract) 50 x Concentrate 90mg
Capsule: Vegetable Cellulose
1 to 2 years: 1 capsule daily (can be opened and mixed with food or drink)
3-7 years: 2 capsules daily
8 to 12: 3 capsules daily
13 and over: 2 capsules twice daily
Adults over 12 stone (76kg): 3 capsules twice daily.
Positive results can occur, typically, after the first month of use but the maximum benefits normally do not occur for several months. If at any point, you discontinue taking this product and symptoms worsen, it is advised that you resume use of the product.
For those intollerant to Liquorice, Kalawalla Capsules are available as a sole active ingredient supplement here.
Two of the worlds best herbs for correcting immune System Imbalance, and hence Improving autoimmune disorders are combined in Immuno-calm
For full treatment protocol and other factors to address in autoimmune disorders see the article here 
The two herbs used are
  • Liquorice: works in a two fold manner (a) To restore the functioning of the adrenal output of natural steroids, (These do not have side effects like synthetic steroids taken, and are more effective) this will help relieve inflammation and immune system aggression /over-reaction. (b) Liquorice contains sterols and sterolins, know immune balancers.
  • Kalawalla (Polypodium leucotomos): this has been found to help bring the disturbed immune system back into line and has extensive use in 3 continents over several years on a variety of auto-immune disorders and even some clinical trials (described below). Please note that although only a few auto-Immune disorders are discussed in any detail with the use of this herb, its use is not confined to these and would form part of a sensible protocol against any autoimmune disorder.
Liquorice herb (Glycyrrhiza Glabra), the well known component of Liquorice sweets, is surprisingly one of the most important medicinal herbs on the planet. It has been used extensively in Chinese herbal medicine for thousands of years, in approximately half of their formulas. The reason given is that it tends to improve the action of all the other herbs and 'harmonise' the action of the herbal formula. More recently, medical herbalist Gerald Green has elucidated its tremendous value in the reversal of autoimmune diseases. The patients he has treated have suffered from asthma, inflammatory bowel diseases, and multiple-sclerosis. However the action of liquorice is presumed to be potentially effective (depends on the person, diet etc not the particular disease as they are all related), on all autoimmune diseases.
This action is far wider than just helping to treat specific diseases. For example it includes many cases of inflammation and common conditions such as allergies. The autoimmune aspect of a health problem is extremely common, even though we may not be aware of this. This aspect is discussed more fully in the article Factors Involved In autoimmune Disorders and Effective Treatment Protocols It is extremely common, due to many factors such as stress, nutritional deficiencies, inoculations, electromagnetic pollution, lack of sunlight on skin (Vitamin D deficiency, click here for our vitamin D supplement) and so on; the immune system becomes unbalanced so that on one hand, the immune response to virus and internal toxemia may be inadequate, and on the other, there is often an over-reaction. This results in inflammation, and attack of 'self'. This may range from something as simple as fatigue, allergies, or all the way through to a serious autoimmune disorder such as asthma, inflammatory bowel disorders, and most chronic disease. Improving this balance with the use of Liquorice can make the totality of your nutritional supplements and diet work better for you, as realized by the Chinese herbalists many years ago. As Liquorice works in a different manner to Kaliwalla, it's action is therefore complimentary in the management and treatment of autoimmune disorders.
How Does Liquorice Achieve its Action?
Liquorice contains Glycosides called glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhizinic acid; these have a structure similar to the natural steroids in the body and tend to rapidly restore natural steroid production from the adrenal glands. In addition, the direct action of these glycosides, along with other ingredients in the liquorice seem to have an almost magical effect in reducing inflammation and the entire autoimmune mal-response. (Please note that if you suffer from systemic Candida Albicans infection, usually due to antibiotics, artificial steroids and other medicines combined with a long period of low immune system and poor diet, then you are unlikely to obtain relief from any herb, including liquorice. Remedies to eliminate Candida must be used along side or prior to any other remedies, please see the article on Candida Albicans.
It is interesting to note that during periods of detoxification, e.g. old catarrh/mucus 'coming to the surface' and being eliminated, the immune system can be encouraged to become over-active or 'auto-immune'. People with chronic autoimmune disorders will usually need to continue with Liquorice as part of there treatment protocol for a considerable length of time, bearing in mind the cautions/side effects discussed next. If you decide not to take Liquorice Kalawalla is available as a single ingredient.
For more information and details of cautions and possible side effects of Liquorice herb, please click here
Kalawalla (Polypodium leucotomos)
The World's Outstanding Herb for autoimmune diseases.
The fundamental action of this herb is to regulate the immune system, so that were there is imbalance, this is corrected. Not only have these effects been scientifically studied, but clinical trials with various autoimmune disorders have proven repeatedly that Kalawalla (Polypodium leucotomos) works to improve or remove the disease state of the persons taking it, due to normalisation of the immune system.
For serious conditions such as MS stabilisation of the disease usually occurs, with reduction of symptoms and with time the body can then go on to heal itself.
With autoimmune reactions the immune system cannot recognise the difference between self and not self, so will attack areas of the body where there is weakness. This will determine the symptoms of the disease whether it be asthma, MS or inflammatory bowel disorder or psoriasis, for example. Many other chronic health disorders are increasingly being recognized as having an autoimmune component, including diseases traditionally recognized as 'degenerative' such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and some circulatory disorders.
Note: depending on the individual there will be a greater or lesser degree of autoimmune imbalance with each disorder, also other remedies are often required for the best results, e.g a person with arthritis or osteoporosis usually need to take steps to insure diet is sufficiently alkaline and take a Boron supplement, whereas with other individuals/disorders improved diet may not be so crucial (If the diet is already a whole food diet omitting all processed foods) as the autoimmune component is inherently dominant.
Different types of immune disorders all brought into line with Kallwalla
Explanation of how Kalawalla (Polypodium leucotomos) Improves immune system balance, hence reducing or eliminating entirely the autoimmune response
Polypodium leucotomos has many clinical studies that prove that it regulates the CD4/CD8 ratios to their normal values. Most researchers will agree that this regulation alone is key to offer protection against all types of autoimmune disorders, including MS. Europeans have used Kalawalla extract for more than 10 years with very good results in all types of autoimmune disorders. Kaliwalla is also used in New Zealand and Australia.
Many auto immune disorders are caused by an imbalance in the ratio and activity of T-helper lymphocytes (Th1 and Th2). These two subsets of cells are in a constant state of balance (like a see-saw): when one is increased, the other is decreased and vice versa. The more common manifestation is a Th2 excess, potentially resulting in an increased incidence of allergies, asthma and a susceptibility to infections (through the corresponding decreased Th1 activity and loss of protection).
The opposite situation, an excess of Th1 activity 'excess' immune protection, may result in tissue-specific inflammatory damage examples being psoriasis, arthritis, lupus and vitiligo. Other diseases such as MS, although usually showing a Th1 dominance may alternate from one imbalance to another.
Kalawalla is a potent immune corrector that provides help if you have an immune disorder. Kalawalla works by restoring the correct balance of the immune system. Once this balance is restored to normal, your body can begin to shake of the disorder and begin to heal.
Kalawalla has been is used in Australia and Europe with the trade name Difur and Leucostat for the treatment of Lupus and other autoimmune disorders for over ten years. Improvements can be seen within the first month of taking the product.
A real solution to auto immune disorders is to modulate (not suppress) the activity of T cell ratios to normal balance without any side effects. Immune modulation has the advantage that, contrary to immune suppression, very few side effects can be observed from regulating the immune system back to normal. It also offers the advantage over symptomatic drugs in that the symptoms reverse themselves on their own after the immune system has reached proper balance, and this is done treating the root of the problem, and not only the symptoms.
Kalawalla has many clinical trials with MS, Lupus, Psoriasis, Vitiligo and other auto immune disorders, showing a high degree of success and very few side effects. It even has an OTC status in the European Union, which means that medical doctors actually prescribe Kalawalla for these disorders. We also know exactly how Kalawalla works due to trials by the Harvard Medical Schoold that details how Kalawalla modulates the T cells and its usefulness in auto aggressive / inflammatory conditions.
Kalawalla (Polypodium leucotomos) has many clinical studies that prove that it regulates the TH1/TH2 ratios to their normal values. Most researchers will agree that this regulation alone is key to offer protection against Lupus. Europeans have used Kalawalla extract for over 10 years with good results. Kalawalla is used in Australia and New Zealand for treating autoimmune disorders such as Lupus.
Below are examples of clinical trials and experience with Kallawalla (Polypodium leucotomos)
Two years personal experience in Anapsos (Polypodium leucotomos extract) treatment of psoriasis in various clinical forms
by Pineiro Alvarez B
A personal experience on 495 patients affected by several forms of psoriasis and its answer to the treatment with Anapsos (Polypodium leucotomos extract) is presented. The whitenings between 80% and 100% of the affected skin were achieved on 304 patients (61.41%); 46 patients whitened between 30% and 80% of their lesions, 15 obtained null results and only 11 had relapses. It is remarkable the high number of abandonments to treatment which came at 119 patients (24.04%) due to slowness of process and other reasons probably. The association with PUVA which shortens the treatment and gives other advantages is pointed out as positive. The average time of treatment was 6 months, and daily doses were from 80 mg. and 720 mg. depending on age, weight and treatment phase. Side effects appeared in two patients only: one with intense pruritus and the other one with gastric disturbances. In both cases, these side effects disappeared when the treatment was interrupted.
PMID: 6348443 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Comments: Out of 495 patients 93% of those who completed the 6 months treatment with Polypodium leucotomos extract showed good results.
Double-blind study using "Polypodium leucotomos" 120 mg. in the treatment of psoriasis. Capella Perez MC, Castells RA Actas Dermosifiliogr 1981;72(9-10):487-494
Comments: 61 psoriatic patients were treated for a period of 6 months with Polypodium leucotomos extract. 90% of the patients showed significant improvement within this period.
Multiple Sclerosis
There are several types of Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Most will only vary in the degree or extent it affects the Central Nervous System (CNS). The most frequent type of MS is Relapsing MS. People with Relapsing MS will experience periods of relapses followed by complete or partial recoveries. This type of MS affects 85% of all MS patients. 50% of these patients will eventually experience progressive MS with or without periods of recovery. There are other types of more aggressive, progressive MS which affects the other 15% of the MS patients.
Most researchers will agree that MS is an autoimmune disorder. The immune system attacks nerve sheaves called myelin. Sometimes, in most severe cases the nerve fibers themselves will be affected, and not only the myelin.
Myelin helps nerve cells conduct electrical impulses and operate properly. The damage to the myelin causes degradation of nerve impulses and this leads to the various MS symptoms, which including cognitive dysfunction bladder and bowel dysfunction, vision problems, fatigue, walking difficulty, pain, numbness, and other symptoms.
Immunological Phenotype and Treatment with Polypodium leucotomos (Kalawalla) in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Patients
Spanish Society of Neurology, XLVI Annual Symposium
MM Carreno, P Castro, Dept. of Neurology, Navarra University, Pamplona, Spain
Introduction and Objectives
Several studies have shown the existence of abnormal immunological phenotypes in MS, and more specifically a imbalance in the suppressor function.
Objectives: To determine quantitative abnormalities in the lymphocyte subpopulation of MS patients, to establish the relationship with the different clinical pictures and to study the response to the treatment with an extract of Polypodium leucotomos.
Patients and Methods: 12 patients, 10 women and 2 men, with well established MS; mean age of 43.7 years; evolution time 6.5 years; treated for one year only with an extract of Polypodium leucotomos (360 - 720 mg / day). The immunological phenotype was studied counting the lymphocyte sub population.
Statistical analysis were carried out by non parametric techniques.
Results: More frequent basal immunological alterations were increased CD4 in d LB (62.5%), decreased CD8 suppressors (50%). There was no correlation between the increase in ICD4 in LB - progressive form and decrease ICD8 - relapsing / remitting form. The treatment brought the lymphocyte count to normal in 100% of the patients with increased CD4 in B. the clinical evolution, according to the EDSS scale was:
Normal development of course of disease 3 patients (37.5%), stabilization and improvement 5 patients (62.5%) Increased in ICD8 suppressor figures were normalized in 3 patients (50%); worsening was recorder in only 1 patient.
Conclusions: The most frequent immunological alterations of the phenotype in MS are increase L ind B and decreased L supp. They are not related to classical forms. The treatment of Multiple Sclerosis with an extract of Kalawalla is useful to correct these phenotype imbalance and can contribute to a clinical stabilisation.
Kalawalla will regulate the T cells that build up and attack the myelin and help restore the CNS on its own, thus treating the symptoms as well as the heart of the disease.
Kalawalla has been used in Europe to treat MS over the past 5 years with great success.
There are many types of Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis for example has been understood as an autoimmune disorder for many years. However, more recently even Osteoarthritis is generally thought to have an autoimmune component. So in this respect Kalawalla can be useful in the treatment of many forms of arthritis, and good results can be experienced within the first month of taking Kalawalla However, in our experience the remedy of first use for all types of arthritis must include a Boron supplement. (For all arthritic and bone diseases Boron has been found to be very effective therapy; see the article The Wonder of Boron. A good supplement, containing Boron is Repair-Tonic. This contains Boron, Glucosamine, MSM and other nutrients.
Kalawalla has been known to increase the lymphocyte levels. It is also known to regulate the CD4/CD8 ratios to their normal values. This helps some Arthritis patients to successfully fight the disease.
There are other factors involved in autoimmune disorders, by addressing all the relevant factors, the best results can be achieved. These are all discussed in the autoimmune article (link near the top of this article) .


Jo, from Australia is a 39 year old female. She suffers from Psoriasis, Thyroid Troubles and Psoriatic Arthritis. Jo tells us "I took the Immuno-Calm for 4 months and noticed a definite calming down of the thyroid troubles and a significant improvement of my Psoriasis. I have recently had a baby and my immune system went a little haywire when my body was recovering. I believed I was on the verge of several autoimmune diseases. I did a lot of research on the internet and was particularly impressed by your website and its thorough explanation of the autoimmune disease process. Because of your informative articles I was literally able to work out for myself which supplements would most benefit me. I feel much better after being unwell for a year with a young toddler. My doctor just kept insisting I was depressed and needed therapy and anti-depressants. I was simply not interested in going down that road and it was frustrating to me as the doctors were only interested in treating the symptoms and not the actual cause or imbalance within the body. I had never had Psoriasis before and it devastated me as my hands and nails had always been my best feature. I was most relieved to find your website. I would like to thank RN for helping me to help myself with your very informative articles, website and of course your wonderful products.
The above has been edited for space, the entire report can be read here
M Michael Murray, aged 57, was diagnosed with lupus early this year, but has suffered for at least 2 years. He say's "The disorder caused significant pain in all of my major large joints; especially my knees and shoulders, difficult and painful swallowing and rapid heartbeats during rest periods. I couldn't sleep well at night and the pain was always worse in the morning upon awakening. I also suffered from unusual muscle weakness. I have been using Immuno-Calm for the last 6 to 8 months. Eventhough I have been treated with conventional medicine since April 2011, the positive results were greatly enhanced when I took 2 capsules of Immuno-Calm at night with the conventional medicine and two capsules first thing in the morning; consistently. Although my doctor originally told my that I may never be able to run or participate in sports activities again, I have been running, taking long walks and playing competitive Table Tennis. The pain and swelling in my fingers have disappeared. My heart rate was tested normal for the first time in months. I can function fully again. I have restful sleep at night and I no longer have excruciating pain in the morning. I highly reccomend Immuno-Calm to anyone with lupus ar any other autoimmune disease. It can supplement or compliment any other medicine one is taking.
Paula, aged 48, from the UK suffers from Psoriatic Arthritis, she reports "I was taking 25mg of Methotrexate per week for years but still had arthritic pain and the "Psoriasis" was actually getting worse. I couldn't stand the side effects of this drug anymore and as I was still in pain it seemed an easy decision to stop taking it. Several weeks before coming off Methotrexate I started taking Immuno-Calm and Liquorice (the two supplements that I firmly believe made the difference - Serrapeptase was a later addition so that could be helping too). I've been off the pharmaceutical toxins for 4 months now and the pain is only occasional and nowhere near as bad as it was, the "Psoriasis" is almost non-existent. The inflammation is roughly 70% down on what it was and I've gone from frequent flare ups where I could barely walk to none - I haven't had a flare up since I came off methotrexate and started taking these supplements. There is damage to a joint in my foot from the arthritis - methotrexate was supposed to be a DMARD (stopping the disease causing damage) but it's recently been discovered that it isn't actually doing that at all (study's show that it does not act as a DMARD at all). I will stick to supplements from now on and a good anti-inflammatory diet. I firmly believe that Immuno-Calm and Liqourice has played a major role in calming down my autoimmune disorder, bringing my immune system back to normal.
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Disclaimer: Regenerative Nutrition advocates a holistic approach to natural health and wellbeing. The body's ability and power to heal depends upon the totality of diet, nutrition, lifestyle and environmental factors. The information provided in our article is for information purposes only, it in no way constitutes a medical consultation, or medical advice, nor is it intended to be taken as a solicitation to purchase our products.

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