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The Importance of Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) and Facts that May Contradict What You Have Already ‘Learned’
John Claydon D.Hom
Summary of Healthy consumption of oils/fats.
1/ Avoid all frying or roasting of all seed oils including soybean oil. One of the biggest factors in the modern explosion of disease, including cardio-vascular disease, obesity, diabetes, stroke, cancer and neurodegenerative disease and more ! To achieve this avoid almost all processed food as it is added to them !
Also avoid the consumption of seed and vegetable oils even when raw, unheated and cold pressed except possibly is very small amounts (e.g a teaspoon daily) such as hemp oil, black seed oil.
2/ Obtain some essential fatty acids from raw seeds and raw nuts.
3/ Do consume healthy monounsaturated oils from e.g olive oil
4/ Do consume healthy saturated fats and other factors from butter, preferably organic. The more golden yellow the better. Other beneficial sources of saturated and mixed fats from coconut oil, egg yolks (with minimal boiling or poaching so the yolk is still liquid, or ideally raw)
To get educated on the dangers of heated and processed seed oils watch: and
The fats/oils in meat and fish become toxic when fried or roasted as any heat especially above the boiling point of water deranges the fats. This is more so with the polyunsaturated fatty acids that are present in meat and fish. (Saturated fat is less prone to damage by heat)
Note: Every cell in the body has a membrane that contains a variety of fats a high proportion of which are saturated. The brain requires plenty of cholesterol and possibly the ideal balance of different fats for the brain is provided by egg yolk.
Avoid all processed and heated oils like the plague. These are the biggest single threats to your health. Most processed food has processed and heated oils added such as hydrogenated oils, vegetable oils (heat extracted normally) trans-fatty acids and so on. Frying with vegetable oils produces degraded oils. If you must fry, coconut oil is the least toxic, on heating, butter coming in second…but best to use low temperature frying, or even better not to fry at all.
Do NOT avoid Cholesterol containing foods. All of the mainstream news and health services are simply copying the incorrect information given on this subject. Cholesterol is an essential nutrient and without it we could die. It does not clog the arteries, and has been contained abundantly in the natural diet of man for thousands of years with no link to heart disease.
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