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For thousands of years, humans around the world have recognized the tremendous healing properties of a legendary herb - Nigella Sativa, or Black Seed Oil.
A complex synergy of over 100, immune system enhancing, natural chemicals
This remarkable herb has a legendary status and has had a recent resurgence in western medicine. Its efficacy is backed by three thousand years of folklore, and the past fifty years have seen a burgeoning amount of scientific data to further support Black Seed's renowned healing properties

We now realise that the complex synergy of over 100 natural chemicals contained in Black Seed Oil, work together to enhance and strengthen the body's immune system in a way no other singular, naturally occurring substance has ever been known to do.

The very fact that Black Seed targets the vital workings of the immune system grants it power over a wide range of ailments, both as a treatment and preventative. Consequently, Black Seed has proved itself a forceful ally against many ailments, including those caused by bacteria, viruses, and common allergies. Black Seed is a potent anti-histamine, anti-tumour, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory agent, and the application of these actions alone provides relief for a multitude of ailments and disorders

Tends to improve the efficiency of all organs and systems of the body, including the functioning of the liver, kidneys immune system and digestion.
This 'hotter' version is grown and cultivated in Bengal. Containing extra amounts of the essential oils beyond that found in the original Egyptian version, its uses include stubborn sinus problems, all reoccurring ear, nose and throat conditions and for some cases of allergic asthma. It is well suited to people of a 'cold' constitution.
To view the original Black Seed Oil product, please click here

Not to be taken during pregnancy
100% Black Seed Oil (Nigella Sativa) from Bengal
100% pure, cold pressed from the highest quality seeds. Vegan. GMO, solvent & additive free.
Maintenance use: 6ml daily

Sensitive individuals: 3ml every other day for the first few weeks, then daily.

Children: Smaller amounts, proportionate to body weight (Adult amount based on 12st/ 76kg body weight).
It is generally advisable to start at one domestic teaspoon daily and build up slowly to find your upper suitable limit. Up to one dessertspoon a day may be taken in times of need.
The oil may be swallowed neat, or blended with juice. do not heat. Typical use: Periodic courses of a few months.
Not to be taken during pregnancy
Black Seed Oil (Nigella Sativa)
100% pure, cold pressed, GMO, solvent & additive free and comes from the highest quality seeds.
Our new, ‘hotter'  high potency version grown and cultivated in Bengal is over 2.5 times the potency of our regular Black Seed Oil & slightly spicy to the taste, grown and cultivated in Bengal. Containing extra amounts of the essential oils beyond that found in the original Egyptian version, its uses include stubborn sinus problems, all re-occurring ear, nose and throat conditions and for some cases of allergic asthma. It is well suited to people of a ‘cold' constitution.
Also available, traditional Black Seed Oil. Please click here for more details
Extracts from "Black Seed: Natures Miracle Remedy" by W.G. Goreja (ISBN 0-9742962-1-X)
For thousands of years, humans around the world have recognized the tremendous healing properties of a legendary herb - Nigella Sativa, or Black Seed.  
"Black Seed heals every disease except for death." The Prophet Mohammed proclaimed over fourteen hundred years ago. It's quite a statement; but.. 
The protective and healing powers of Black Seed, the seeds from the plant Nigella Sativa, are so astoundingly comprehensive and varied that for thousands of years humans have regarded it as a "Miracle Cure". 
Black Seed has an unprecedented strengthening effect upon the immune system, and works in a host of other ways to promote optimum health and well being. It works by assisting the body in its own natural healing processes.
This remarkable herb has a legendary status and has had a recent resurgence in Western medicine.  Its efficacy is solidly backed by three thousand years of folklore and the past fifty years have seen a burgeoning amount of scientific data to further support Black Seed's renowned healing properties.
'We now realize that a complex synergy of over 100 chemicals contained in Black Seed work together to enhance and strengthen the body's immune system in a way no other singular, naturally occurring substance has ever been known to do'.
The very fact that Black Seed targets the vital workings of the immune system grants it power over a wide range of ailments, both as a treatment and preventative. Consequently, Black Seed has proved itself a forceful ally against many ailments, such as those caused by bacteria, viruses, and common allergies.
It has also proved valuable against such fatal diseases as cancer and AIDS. When it comes to health and well-being, a strong immune system is vital, and the properties of Black Seed are key to regaining the efficient functioning of your immune system and maintaining its optimum effectiveness. Furthermore, Black Seed is a potent, antihistamine, anti-tumour, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory agent, and the application of these actions alone provides relief for a multitude of ailments and disorders.
Black Seed has such diverse powers that, before we examine the specific uses of the herb, let's recap the variety of actions that it provides. Although many more can be listed from centuries of use, the actions that follow have all been verified through scientific research conducted over the last fifty years.
Black Seed's Mechanisms of Action
  • Analgesic: Relieves or dampens sensation of pain
  • Anthelmintic: (Also know as vermicide or vermifuge) destroys and expels intestinal worms
  • Anti-bacterial: Destroys or inhibits the growth of destructive bacteria
  • Anti-Inflammatory: Reduces inflammation
  • Anti-Microbial: Destroys or inhibits the growth of destructive microorganisms
  • Antioxidant: Prevents or delays the damaging oxidisation of the body's cells - particularly useful against free radicals. 
  • Anti-Pyretic: (Also known as ferbrifuge) - exhibits a 'cooling action', useful in fever reduction
  • Anti-spasmodic: Prevents or eases muscle spasms and cramps
  • Anti-tumour: Counteracts or prevents the formation of malignant tumours
  • Carminative: Stimulates digestion and induces the expulsion of gas from the stomach and the intestines
  • Diaphoretic: Induces perspiration during fever to cool and stimulate the release of toxins
  • Diuretic: Stimulates urination to relieve bloating and rid the body of any excess water
  • Digestive: Stimulates bile and aids in the digestive process
  • Emmenagogue: Stimulates menstrual flow and activity
  • Galactogogue: Stimulates the action of milk in new mothers
  • Hypotensive: Reduces excess blood pressure
  • Immunomodulator: Suppresses or strengthens immune system activity as needed for optimum balance
  • Laxative: Causes looseness or relaxation of the bowels
Our Understanding of Black Seed Oil at RN
In what way does Black Seed Oil, as a broad-spectrum remedy, differ from the other broad-spectrum remedies or superfoods, such as Chlorella, Barley Grass or Pollen?
It does not contain such a complete range of nutrients as the super foods mentioned, so falls midway between a herbal remedy and a functional food. Black Seed Oil has many health benefits. Superfoods can gradually improve the overall health by addressing the problem of cellular malnutrition, the long term basis of all chronic disease.
Cellular malnutrition in the first world is due to many factors such as farming methods that deplete the soils essential nutrients, and supply us with 'empty food'. The practice of cooking food denatures and impedes absorption, combined with impaired digestion. Other factors including eating refined foods and a toxic environment. These all contribute to cellular starvation of essential fluids and nutrients.
With regular consumption of superfoods we can gradually improve the state of our cellular nutrition, and in turn health will gradually improve, although improvements in vitality can often occur quickly. However, certain organs and systems of the body can remain below par even after a comprehensive nutritional and dietary programme has been in use for many months. In other words there are certain stubborn issues our bodies do not give up easily.
For example; liver congestion, an almost universal occurrence, can be quite stubborn. You may choose to use a Liver/Gall Bladder Flush and this can often help. You can also use black seed oil (we cannot guarantee that this will clear out all of your stones and 'mud' in the liver gall bladder region, it depends on many factors, but even with the flush procedure 6 or more flushes may be needed). We have found that after only a few days of using Black Seed Oil it has improved liver function and associated digestive problems. The warming and bitter qualities seem to penetrate into blockages in the body and rapidly instigate normalisation.
Two people with toothache were much improved soon after rubbing the oil into the affected gum. It appears to be one of those remedies that are very potent, highly effective, and able to target a wide range of health problems.
Some of the health conditions it has improved
  • Gastrointestinal dysfunction - flatulence, diarrhoea and constipation
  • Liver dysfunction - underactivity, congestion, jaundice. Galls stones
  • Kidney ailments - urination difficulties, urinary infections, cystitis
  • Respiratory ailments - infection, cough, sore throat, congestion, bronchial inflammation, asthma. Bronchial-dilating properties
  • Menstrual problems
  • Parasites
  • Hair and skin care - promotes follicle growth and helps to prevent dandruff
  • Immune system - improves overall function, resistance to infection but also stabilises, helping to eliminate auto-immune diseases. Stimulates production of bone marrow
  • Hypertension - Animal studies have shown benefits in this area such as a marked drop in arterial pressure after only 15 days of use. The anti-oxidant properties of black seed may account for its usefulness in treating hypertension and other cardio-vascular disorders
  • Diabetes - Various animals have been studied in relation to diabetes/high blood sugar. All showed a significant decrease in glucose levels after 48 hours of supplementation with Black Seed Oil. Blood glucose levels continued to fall for up to a few weeks, when a levelling occurred and a therapeutic balance was maintained.  The prominent physician and herbalist Muhammed Salim Khan has confirmed the benefits with human subjects. The best results with diabetes will be obtained by combining black seed oil with dietary adjustment, involving a low carbohydrate diet that includes raw fats and protein
  • Allergies - Black Seed has powerful anti-inflammatory, bronchial-dilating and anti-histamine properties, and as such is an excellent agent against allergic reactions and states. In one study on 600 allergic patients, 70% were completely cured of their allergies. The symptoms of allergy apparently included hay fever and asthma, skin disorders such as rashes, dandruff or inflammations, fatigue, bowel disturbances or lowered sex drive


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Disclaimer: Regenerative Nutrition advocates a holistic approach to natural health and wellbeing. The body's ability and power to heal depends upon the totality of diet, nutrition, lifestyle and environmental factors. The information provided in our article is for information purposes only, it in no way constitutes a medical consultation, or medical advice, nor is it intended to be taken as a solicitation to purchase our products.

Always consult a health care practitioner when combating disease states.

No claim for the cure of any disease is intended, or implied nor do we claim that our products will treat, cure or prevent any disease.