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Multi-Enzyme Protect

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  • Health Uses
Enzymes promote chemical reactions and cellular repair and growth. They work in all areas & systems of the body.

Use Multi Enzyme Protect to help.....
  • Clear out old dead proteins from the body
  • Clear arteries
  • Remove fibrosis
  • Relieve auto-immune disorders
  • Digest food
  • As a general rejuvenator
By combining a range of enzymes with different actions we can achieve greater success
Multi-Enzyme Protect contains ingredients that may dissolve blood clots. This is normally beneficial but DO NOT TAKE if you suffer from a blood disorder that affects the ability of the blood to clot or have had a stroke that resulted in inter-cranial bleeding in the last 6 months.
DO NOT TAKE during the first 6 months of pregnancy.


Two capsules of Multi-Enzyme Protect contain
  • Serrapeptase 40,000IU
  • Nattokinase 1,000FU
  • Protease 20,000HUT
  • Lipase 1,000LU
  • Amylase 4,000SKB
  • Cellulase 600ALV
  • Lactase 600CV
  • Alpha-Galactosidase 150GALV
  • Invertase 360SUMMER
  • Malt Diastase 72DP
  • Pectinase 38AJDV
  • Seagreens (Ascophyllum Nodosum) 236mg
  • Rosehip 250mg
  • Hawthorn (Organic) 160mg
  • Vit C as Sodium Ascorbate 120mg
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid 30mg
To aid with the digestion of food take with meals. To obtain all of the therapeutic benefits take on an empty stomach at least twice a day.
Maintenance use: 1-2 capsules with each meal.
Intensive use: 2 capsules with each meal and 2 capsules twice daily on an empty stomach.
Multi-Enzyme Protect contains ingredients that may dissolve blood clots. This is normally beneficial but DO NOT TAKE if you suffer from a blood disorder that affects the ability of the blood to clot or have had a stroke that resulted in inter-cranial bleeding in the last 6 months. DO NOT TAKE during the first 6 months of pregnancy.

Multi Enzyme Protect

Introducing Multi Enzymes

Life could not exist without enzymes as they promote chemical reaction, cellular repair and growth. There have to date been over 2,700 enzymes that have been identified but many more remain to be discovered; they work in all areas and systems of the body.

One of the most important functions of vitamins and minerals is to provide co-enzymes; these in turn are the building blocks of enzymes. Often the symptoms of vitamin or mineral deficiency can be understood as enzyme deficiency. Please see the article about Digestive Enzymes for more information about Enzyme Therapy.
There are three major groups of biological enzymes:
  • Food Enzymes,
  • Digestive Enzymes
  • Metabolic Enzymes.
In the past, the therapeutic use of enzymes has largely focused on the use of digestive enzymes; these aid digestion of food but also mop up and dissolve dead material such as proteins and fats that accumulate in the tissues, organs, arteries and all blood vessels in the body.  Research has shown that by combining a range of enzymes, with different actions, we can achieve greater, longer lasting, health benefits associated with the use of enzymes (as listed below). To this end we have formulated Multiple Enzyme Protect.
  • Clearing out old dead proteins from the body
  • Clearing the arteries
  • Removing fibrosis
  • Relieving auto-immune disorders
  • Digesting food
  • General rejuvenation
Two capsules of Multi-Enzyme Protect contain:
  • Serrapeptase 40,000IU
  • Nattokinase 1,000FU
  • Protease 20,000HUT
  • Lipase 1,000LU
  • Amylase 4,000SKB
  • Cellulase 600ALV
  • Lactase 600CV
  • Alpha-Galactosidase 150GALV
  • Invertase 360SUMMER
  • Malt Diastase 72DP
  • Pectinase 38AJDV
  • Seagreens (Ascophyllum Nodosum) 236mg
  • Rosehip 250mg
  • Hawthorn (Organic) 160mg
  • Vit C as Sodium Ascorbate 120mg
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid 30mg

Primary Functions of the Ingredients

Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme isolated from the micro-organism, Serratia E15. Histologic studies have revealed the powerful anti-inflammatory effects of this naturally occurring enzyme.  It has had wide clinical use, spanning over 30 years, throughout Europe and Asia. Full article here

Nattokinase is a very potent fibrinolytic (breaks down fibrin, a blood clotting protein) enzyme, which has shown remarkable ability to affect blood clotting and a possible ability to regulate and activate various other metabolic enzymes. It is also the worlds number one food source of Vitamin K2, an essential but often forgotten vitamin. We strongly recommend a look at the Vitamin K article here

Protease is responsible for digesting proteins in your food.  Proteins are probably one of the most difficult substances to metabolize.  Because of this, protease is considered to be the most important plant based digestive enzyme that we have.  If the digestive process is incomplete, undigested protein can wind up in your circulatory system.  When you take protease in higher quantities, it can also help to clean up your body by removing the unwanted protein from your circulatory system and all other tissues and organs of the body.

Lipase is responsible for digesting fats in food.  When taken in higher quantities it will also find its way into the blood stream and help to remove excess fatty deposits from the inside of your veins and arteries.  When this occurs, the arteries and veins are more open and allow the blood to flow more smoothly throughout your body.  It is well understood that clogged arteries cause a rise in blood pressure, and that this in turn leads to heart problems.  Using extra lipase during the pre-digestive phase can help with overall fat control both in the stomach and in the arteries of your body.  Additional lipase can also be helpful in a weight management program, because it converts fat to energy instead of allowing it to be stored in your body.

Amylase is the second most important plant based digestive enzyme that we have.  Amylase is responsible for digesting carbohydrates in food.  Because of this, it could be considered a natural antihistamine.  Incomplete digestion of carbohydrates has been linked to blood sugar imbalances, allergies, and asthma.  Amylase is also very effective in helping to relieve the symptoms of allergic reactions to such things as insect bites, pollen irritation, or contact with poison oak, poison ivy, or sumac.  A possible reason why some people appear to be more immune to these poisons is because of a higher amount of amylase within their bodies.

Cellulase is responsible for breaking down fibre.  It is also an excellent antioxidant because it binds to heavy metals and other toxins and carries them out of your body.

Lactase is responsible for digesting the milk sugar found in dairy products.  Supplementing the diet with Lactase Enzyme makes milk products more readily digestible, helping to relieve discomfort caused by lactose intolerance.

Pectinase breaks down carbohydrates such as pectin (found in many plants); Pectinases are produced during the natural ripening process of some fruits to soften cell walls.

Alpha Galactosidase is derived from the fungus Aspergillus Niger, this enzyme hydrolyzes residues from saccharides which pass unabsorbed into the large intestine and can cause bloating, and general discomfort

Invertase exhibits relatively high activity over a broad range of pH. It hydrolyzes sucrose and is often lacking in those with a weak digestion

Malt Diastase hydrolyzes amylose and other polysaccharides, studies have shown it is useful for digestive support and general nutritional support, also breaks down unused glycogen in muscle tissue.

The Other IngredientsTo ensure a balanced formula, Seagreens, Rosehip, Hawthorn, Sodium Ascorbate and Alpha Lipoic Acid are added to increase the body's ability to make maximum use of the enzymes.  The Vitamin C and bioflavonoids act as anti-oxidants and to help to strengthen the collagen of the blood vessels, this is important as Multi Enzyme Protect will clear out debris from the blood vessels. Vitamin C deficiency as well as silica deficiency renders the blood vessels weak, and liable to haemorrhage or rupture, especially as we age, so we need to protect them with these nutrients.
Please note that we consider Organic Silicon as a complementary product to Multi Enzyme Protect. 

There is a very simple rule to follow with plant based digestive enzyme products....
The higher the activity level of the ingredients the better the product. Unlike most other nutritional ingredients that are measured by weight, the correct labelling for enzymes is in activity units.

The Health Benefits of Enzyme Therapy

Raw food contains enzymes required to help break down, assimilate and deliver the contents of the food we eat. When we cook food we 'kill' the sensitive 'live' enzymes. The only way we can then digest and absorb the food we eat is to produce our own enzymes instead (although bacteria do have a role lower down in the gut to help break down food and make it easier to assimilate). The ability to do this varies with each individual and also reduces with age. One of the single biggest factors in all chronic (long term) disease is the failure to produce the necessary enzymes required to replace those we lose by cooking food. The failure to produce sufficient protein digesting enzymes from the pancreas has been implicated as one of the major causes of cancer. Many naturopaths and those educated in the natural healing arts, recognise that the build up of muco-protein, i.e. mucus/catarrh in the system is a contributory factor in most chronic disease. The reason for this build up is a failure to sufficiently break down food especially the protein content. A raw food diet, or failing that the consumption of digestive enzymes with food can prevent this happening. We suggest a reading of our dietary guidelines here

For full therepuetic effect, enzymes should be taken with food to help the digestion and also on an empty stomach to retain their other actions

It has been discovered in many clinical studies and on a personal experience basis by many individuals and therapists, that taking enzymes can often reduce or even eliminate the very diseases that have developed over years of cooked food consumption. In this situation, enzymes should be taken with food to help the digestion of that meal and also on an empty stomach / in-between meals to retain their potency, enter the blood stream and to be delivered around the body to gradually break down the toxic waste that has built up from years of enzyme insufficiency.
Auto-immune disorders can be understood as one aspect of chronic enzyme deficiency, and treatment therefore is considerably, sometimes dramatically, helped by the use of enzyme supplementation. The mechanisms involved are quite well understood. An antigen, such as a toxic material or a virus, or parasite etc is found by an anti-body and they merge to form a linked pair. This pair is normally consumed by enzymes secreted from an immune cell called a macrophage. Insufficient enzyme availability causes the macrophage and the antigen and anti-body to form a complex called an immune complex. If this process continues for an appropriate length of time these immune complexes are stored in the tissues. These are pathological (toxic and disrupting to healthy metabolism). Eventually the 'second immune system' or the complementary immune system is activated to try to eliminate the immune complex, but since the immune complexes are trapped in tissue specific to the disease involved the tissues themselves are attacked and this is the immediate reason for unresolved inflammation and destruction of tissue. It is not surprising in the light of these facts that the over activity of the immune system can be ameliorated or in some cases resolved completely by the use of sufficient quantity of enzymes over sufficient period of time. For more information about Auto Immune Disorders, please read the article here

Instructions for use of Enzyme Therapy

To aid in the digestion of food
Take 1 or 2 capsules with meals

For systemic enzyme therapy
Take 4 to 9 capsules daily. (from 2 capsules twice daily up to 3 capsules three times daily in times of extra need). To obtain the full therapeutic benefits take on an empty stomach (for example, upon rising and retiring and / or at least 1 hour before and 3 hours after food).

Full use (Systemic & Digestion) combined for maximum benefits
2 or 3 capsules on rising, 2 or 3 capsules on retiring, 1 or 2 capsules with each meal. (a maximum of 9 capsules daily is advised)
If nausea is experienced when taking on an empty stomach, take with food until adapted. By taking with food, the therapeutic efficacy of Nattokinase and Serrapeptase will be minimised. If nausea continues, then it may be necessary to take Serrapeptase on its own on an empty stomach which will not cause any nausea, and either Multi Enzyme Protect or Digestive Enzymes with food.
People with serious or stubborn health concerns should take Multi Enzyme Protect at least three times daily on an empty stomach. If over 40 years old it becomes increasingly important, if eating cooked food, to take enzymes with the meal, as our natural enzyme production reduces with age.
Systemic enzyme therapy is not for haemophiliacs or those on anticoagulants. There have been no reports of toxicity from the ingredients, however Nattokinase and Serrapeptase can significantly cleanse and therefore thin, the blood. We suggest staying within the recommended dosage and any pharmaceutical medications being taken should be monitored, as the need for these may be reduced. If taking more than the maintenance amount this should generally be done with the supervision of your therapist
Multi Enzyme Protect contains ingredients that may dissolve blood clots which would normally be considered beneficial, however.....
DO NOT TAKE if you suffer from a blood disorder that affects the ability of the blood to clot
DO NOT TAKE if you have had a stroke that resulted in inter-cranial bleeding in the past 6 months
DO NOT TAKE during the first 6 months of pregnancy.

Multi-Enzyme Protect is a high potency supplement which boosts vitality and will cause detoxification. Many people, especially if sensitive, will need to start at a low dose and gradually increase as adaptation occurs.
For additional reading on Enzyme Therapy please click here
"My legs were painful. Serrepeptase and then later Multi Enzyme Protect cleared the pain and hardness. I have taken the Multi Enzymes ever since". JJ, female, aged 68 from Devon
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Disclaimer: Regenerative Nutrition advocates a holistic approach to natural health and wellbeing. The body's ability and power to heal depends upon the totality of diet, nutrition, lifestyle and environmental factors. The information provided in our article is for information purposes only, it in no way constitutes a medical consultation, or medical advice, nor is it intended to be taken as a solicitation to purchase our products.

Always consult a health care practitioner when combating disease states.

No claim for the cure of any disease is intended, or implied nor do we claim that our products will treat, cure or prevent any disease.