Magnesim Chloride The foundation Supplement
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Magnesium Chloride…The Foundation Supplement
Introduction by John Claydon D.Hom founder of Regenerative Nutrition
Experimenting with these I found I obtained consistently good results, and became more stable, physically and mentally. This was the opposite result to what I had obtained with isolated vitamins and minerals.
The 20th Century saw the further development of the biochemic tissue salts into actual pharmological doses of so many milligrams per tablet of these salts, rather than just being homeopathic dilutions as employed with the tissue salts. This was developed by Dr. Blackmore in Australia. Over many years of clinical experience certain prescribing rules were developed based on real experience of peoples response to various combinations of these tissue salts, now named Celloid mineral therapy. It was found that of the 12 tissue salts/mineral combinations Magnesium should always be prescribed along with any other celloid salts that were diagnosed. (Sodium was also a ‘compulsory’ mineral to be prescribed).
Having studied celloid mineral therapy and practised it for a period of time it was apparent that this approach was considerably more reliable than other nutritional therapies and other therapies in common use in the 1990’s. Whilst it lacked the completeness of nutritional therapies that included the trace elements and other nutrients, it often improved the patient who had tried other therapies with less success, and it gave stability to the patient.
Several researchers and nutritional therapists appeared in the 1980’s and 1990’s who gave magnesium the main emphasis in nutritional therapy. In fact, the whole therapeutic regime was often based around what proportion of magnesium to give in relation to the other nutrients. This always puzzled me, since in nature the proportion of magnesium to calcium in foods is typically 1:1 or even higher in calcium than magnesium. There was, and maybe still is, a debate about the best proportion of magnesium to calcium to supply with nutritional supplements. However, after several years of the best possible diet I still displayed symptoms of magnesium deficiency, and benefited greatly from the introduction of magnesium chloride into my daily regime. Magnesium Chloride is now being introduced as a foundation supplement, part of our Core Regime.
Mag Sea Ionics and Mag Sea Pure give stability to the physical and neurological systems, to allow the maximum benefit from all of the other supplements, herbs and energy therapies in ones regime.
Magnesium Chloride is derived from a deep seam found in an ancient seabed. An alternative way one can address magnesium deficiency is to spend a fair amount of time sea bathing, as the sea contains typically 3% magnesium (dry weight) in the form of magnesium chloride.
Earlier it was mentioned that sodium was the other "compulsory” mineral to prescribe when devising a celloid mineral combination therapy for any patient. Some of you may be surprised at this as sodium has received a bad press in recent years. The reason for this contradiction is that refined salt, as added to food, is sodium chloride that has been stripped of all counterbalancing trace elements and heated to extremely high temperatures rendering it difficult for the body to process. On top of this, alluminium is often added. Dr. Jacques De-Langre spent the better part of his life studying the benefits of un-refined salt with the trace minerals, also known as bitterns (up to 90 in all) remaining. The main one being magnesium chloride. In his writing he describes how ordinary sea salts have lost the valuable trace minerals and only Celtic Sea Salt contains the full spectrum of minerals and trace elements to any appreciable degree. He found many valuable things about Celtic Sea Salt. Virtually all of his patients with high blood pressure, had lowered their blood pressure when consuming Celtic Sea Salt, and conversely those with low blood pressure would often develop more normal blood pressure. The writings of Dr. De-Langre are summarised in the article on Celtic Sea Salt
One of the most important personal nutritional discoveries I have made is that drinking small amounts of sea water daily (diluted in water) gave me greater stability, more even energy, and would prevent or cure depression. Sea water is a great stabiliser.
Sea water contains more of the bitterns relative to the sodium chloride than Celtic Sea Salt does, so is superior to Celtic Sea Salt as a therapeutic agent. We promote Celtic Sea Salt as a more cost effective and acceptable way of adding salt to food. We supply a 10 times concentrate of sea water, naturally concentrated by sunlight from the Great Salt Lake in Utah as Ionic liquid minerals and trace elements
It is now obvious that the magnesium chloride content of sea water is part of the therapeutic and stabilising aspect of it. However, it is not a practical way to fill up all the empty spaces in the body where magnesium is required. It temporarily reduces deficiency on the blood/cells but does not seem to be able to completely redress the rate of magnesium losses needed for the best therapeutic response. A basic example of the effects of adequate magnesium status is a generally more relaxed demeanour/nervous system and better sleep and mood. Even with currently available magnesium supplements it can take over a year of daily consumption to resolve the bodily deficiency overall of magnesium. One of the great advantages of magnesium chloride, is that application via the skin can fundamentally resolve the deficiency that we virtually all have, within about 2 or 3 months. Some therapists consider magnesium chloride supplementation so important to all therapy and all persons that it is a ‘compulsory’ part of the getting well package.
Magnesium chloride should be applied to the body neat, providing it does not sting (keep away from eyes and lips undiluted) Dilute with 2 parts water to one part Magnesium chloride for de-odorant and cosmetic use…spray under arms as a beneficial deodorant…apply to face and any other area of body to help reduce wrinkles, apply to scalp to help rejuvenate hair, sometimes white/grey hair will move back towards its natural colour and bald patches re-grow.
Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body and is essential to good health. Magnesium (atomic number 12) is an element essential for normal function of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Unfortunately, magnesium deficiency is one of the most common nutritional problems in the industrialized world today. This deficiency is the result of agricultural practices, food preparation techniques, and dietary trends. The current Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for the US is 6 mg/Kg/day, which translates to 420 mg for a 70 Kg man. Despite this, it has been estimated that adults average much less than this requirement. The health implications are nothing short of catastrophic.
Magnesium is necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and amino acids. It is essential for the functions of muscles and nerves and for the formation of bones and teeth. Generally it counteracts and regulates the influence of calcium. There are basically two classes of minerals: micronutrients which are only needed in trace amounts and macronutrients of which we need fairly significant amounts.
Most people are aware that we need calcium, iron, phosphorus and zinc in relatively large quantities. Unfortunately, the conventional medical paradigm in the United States has not realized the importance of magnesium. Magnesium supplementation is dramatically under utilized by conventional physicians. Though Magnesium deficiency is common, it is usually not looked for, not found nor corrected. In most industrialized countries, magnesium intake has decreased over time and is now marginal in the entire population.
There are over 200 published clinical studies documenting the need for magnesium and many examples of miraculous "cures" from the use of this common mineral. Even DAN (Defeat Autism Now) doctors underestimate autistic children's needs recommending only 50 milligrams twice a day in oral form. Not much of that is going to get into the children's blood and cells because oral administration of magnesium is not absorbed readily and is made less available because of all the problems in these children’s GI systems. Professor Gilbert LeLord of France published six studies evaluating the use of vitamin B6 with magnesium, on autistic children and adults. His studies typically used as much as 500 milligrams of magnesium with more than satisfactory results.
Reproduced below is information from various individuals, doctors and practitioners who have been involved with magnesium chloride.
Magnesium deficiency is a health problem of first cause. Magnesium is a nutritional element that is dangerously low today. Because of its essential role as a foundational building block of cell physiology we have a huge health problem that allopathic medicine is dragging its feet to address. Populations in the first world are dangerously deficient and are actually starving for magnesium. Doctors are missing a huge opportunity to help their patients when they ignore the increasing deficiency of magnesium in them. We are familiar with the malnourishment of third world populations and do not expect to see this in the west. The clinical impact of magnesium deficiency is huge and can be tied into the majority of clinical situations. On one side we are being poisoned and on the other we are being deprived of the very nutrition necessary to resist all the different toxicities we are being confronted with. Then, on top of everything else, our systems have to navigate through further deficiencies brought on by allopathic drugs that are used too often. Thus, all synthetic drugs have to be "detoxified" by the liver in order to eliminate them from our bodies. This detoxification process requires magnesium and vitamin C and other cellular nutrients as cofactors. Many of these essential nutrients are used up in biological (enzymatic) reactions during this detoxification process. One of the most common ways for eliminating drugs from our bodies is called hydroxylation." The strongest "hydroxylating agent" in our bodies is vitamin C, which is literally destroyed during this detoxification process
Our diets today are very different from those of our ancestors though our bodies remain similar. Thousands of years ago, our ancestors ate foods high in magnesium and low in calcium. Because calcium supplies were scarce and the need for this vital mineral was great, it was effectively stored by the body. Magnesium, on the other hand, was abundant and readily available, in the form of nuts, seeds, grains, and vegetables, and did not need to be stored internally. Our bodies still retain calcium and not magnesium although we tend to eat much more dairy than our ancestors. In addition, our sugar and alcohol consumption is higher than theirs, and both sugar and alcohol increase magnesium excretion through the urine. Our grains, originally high in magnesium, have been refined, which means that the nutrient is lost in the refining process. The quality of our soil has deteriorated as well, due to the use of fertilizers that contain large amounts of potassium, a magnesium antagonist. This results in foods lower in magnesium than ever before. Deficiency, is more marked in patients with diabetes, liver disease, or intestinal mal-absorption problems. Also deficiencies develop when magnesium elimination is increased, which it is in people who use alcohol, caffeine, or excess sugar, or who take diuretics or birth control pills. We can add to this list vaccines because they offer a traumatic insult to the body that have to be defended against and that defense gobbles up both magnesium and vitamin C.
With all the research linking low magnesium intake with high cardiovascular risks, this low-cost mineral would appear to be a simple way to counter today's heart attack and stroke epidemic. Unfortunately, magnesium is so cheap that virtually no one is promoting it as a lifesaving mineral
William Faloon, Life Extension
Excerpts from Dr. Mark Sircus' forthcoming book: The Dance of Calcium and Magnesium
If you don't have enough magnesium to help keep calcium dissolved, you may end up with calcium- excess muscle spasms, fibromyalgia, hardening of the arteries, and even dental cavities. Another scenario plays out in the kidneys. If there is too much calcium in the kidneys and not enough magnesium to dissolve it, you can get kidney stones. All muscles, including the heart and blood vessels, contain more magnesium than calcium. If magnesium is deficient, calcium floods the smooth muscle cells of the blood vessels and therefore higher blood pressure, arterial spasm, angina and heart attack. A proper balance of magnesium in relation to calcium can prevent these symptoms. Calcium excess, stimulating the cells in the muscular layer of the temporal arteries over the temples, can cause migraine headaches.
Excess calcium can constrict the smooth muscle surrounding the small airways of the lung, causing restricted breathing and asthma. Finally, too much calcium, without the protective effect of magnesium, can irritate delicate nerve cells of the brain. Cells that are irritated by calcium fire electrical impulses repeatedly, depleting their energy stores and causing cell death.
The Calcium Distraction
The irony of the calcium-magnesium story is that without magnesium, calcium will not work properly. Both our current diet and tendency to over supplement with calcium, however, make getting enough magnesium almost impossible. Research shows that the ratio of calcium to magnesium in the Paleolithic or caveman diet--the ancient diet that had evolved with our bodies--was 1:1, compared with a 5:1 to 15:1 ratio in present-day diets. With an average of ten times more calcium than magnesium in our current diet, there is no doubt about widespread magnesium deficiency in modern times.
The emphasis on calcium supplementation has diverted our attention from any other mineral, even though all minerals are crucial to the proper functioning of the body. In our society we tend to look for the best, the most important, the star, and forget that it takes a team and teamwork to get anything accomplished, including body processes. Calcium, because it is the most abundant mineral into he body, therefore became the star. Even though research has accumulated on magnesium over the past four decades, it has never been adequately publicized and discussed. Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD
Why We Need Magnesium:
An astounding number of studies have documented the effectiveness of intravenous magnesium in helping prevent cardiac damage and even death following a hear attack -- roughly half of all sudden deaths from hear attack are the result of spasm in the arteries, not blockage from clots or arrhythmias! And magnesium allows coronary artery muscles (and all other muscles) to relax. Most of us don't require intravenous magnesium, of course. We can get all the benefits we need just by making sure that we get enough of it in our diets or through supplements. Here's what everyone needs to know about getting optimal benefits from this essential (but often overlooked) mineral.
Some conditions helped by magnesium supplementation
Anxiety and Panic Attacks: Magnesium helps keep adrenal stress hormones under control and maintain normal brain function. In her book, The Miracle of Magnesium (Balantine Books 2003), Dr. Carolyn Dean points out that the rate of depression has gone up every decade since World War II. It's quite possible that this is related to magnesium depletion. Magnesium deficiency is one of the major nutritional reasons for depression. (Also lack of full spectrum salts e.g. Ionic minerals and trace elements) and a lack of essential fatty acids, e.g. hemp or fish oils.
Asthma: Magnesium helps relax the muscles of the bronchioles in the lungs.
Constipation: Magnesium helps to keep the bowels regular by maintaining normal bowel-muscle function.
Diabetes: Magnesium helps insulin transport glucose into the cell. Without this, glucose builds up in tissue causing glycaemic stress and damage.
Heart Disease: Magnesium deficiency is common in those with heart disease. The mineral is an effective treatment for heart attacks and cardiac arrhythmias.
Hypertension: Without adequate magnesium, blood vessels constrict and blood pressure increases.
Insomnia: Magnesium helps regulate melatonin, a hormone that's essential for normal sleep cycles.
Nerve Problems: Magnesium helps eliminate peripheral nerve disturbances that can lead to migraines, leg and foot cramps, gastrointestinal cramps, and so on.
Osteoporosis: Without magnesium, calcium may actually contribute to osteoporosis.
Parkinson’s Disease. There are some cases that have improved considerably with the application of Magnesium Chloride. See information at the end of this article.
Spasms, cramps, muscle contractions: These are often indicative of magnesium deficiency.
Research suggests that Magnesium chloride may also help with the following:
Massaged into arthritic joints will often give almost instant relief from pain
Massaged on sun damaged skin regularly will begin to rejuvenate from the inside out and after a few months will be significantly restored.
Massaged on wrinkled skin will eventually begin to smooth out the wrinkles and massaged into greying hair each evening and left on overnight, will begin to restore natural hair colour within weeks and stimulate the growth of hair and greatly improve hair texture.
massaged onto balding areas of the scalp will begin to induce the growth of new hair.
Magnesium, diluted and sprayed into the mouth several times daily will stimulate the medulla oblongata and develop enamel on the teeth.
Massaged into fibromyalgia type pain will often quickly provide relief.
mixed into a hot bath, will provide a very relaxing soak while delivering a huge amount of magnesium to the cells.
rubbed regularly onto age spots will often cause them to fade and virtually disappear.
Magnesium chloride mixed with a little frankincense and myrrh and regularly rubbed into scar tissue will cause that tissue to reform into normal tissue.
Rubbed onto skin tags will cause them to eventually drop off.
Used in a bath or sprayed on after a shower, will relieve stress.
May be added to a in a foot bath or even a hand. In only 15 to 20 minutes, our magnesium deficient bodies will extract all of the available magnesium.
Magnesium and Siezures
The brain is in a state of constant electrical activity. Brain cells are either stimulating or suppressing activity in a delicate push-and-pull balance. These cells are controlled by switches: some switches are turned on and some are turned off by neuro-transmitters. The action of these neurotransmitters could not take place without calcium, magnesium, and zinc, which play various roles in the response of the nerve cells to electrical stimulation.
Brain cells altered by trauma, chemicals, or severe stress can be permanently switched on and fire excessively Repeated firing in many nerve cells may result in seizures. Magnesium raises the threshold for seizures, reducing the chance of them developing at all. Conversely, experimental studies have shown that low magnesium in the body makes seizures more likely to occur. Magnesium sulfate for the treatment of seizures and hyper-tension in pregnancy is safe and effective and universally accepted. (Therfore magnesium chloride application to the skin should be even more effective ed.) Unfortunately, large clinical trials using magnesium for other types of seizures and epilepsy has not been forth-coming. However, oral magnesium is used as an adjunct to antiepileptic medication by many practitioners.
Rodale found evidence that seizures could be treated with magnesium. Dr. Lewis B. Barnett, head of the Hereford Clinic and Deaf Smith Research Foundation in Hereford, Texas, learned that magnesium is low in people with epilepsy In the 1950s he presented evidence on thirty cases of childhood seizures that responded exceptionally well to high oral doses of magnesium. Barnett found that as his patients' blood magnesium reached normal levels, their seizure activity diminished. He also reported that the treatment was entirely harmless.
As a result of his research, Barnett reported that the main cause for the 3 million clinical and 10-15 million subclinical cases of epilepsy identified at the time was a deficiency of magnesium. "In short, living with sub-optimal levels of magnesium is like trying to operate a machine with the power off”.
As Magnesium is fundamental to virtually all metabolic processes in can help restore health in almost any health disorder and has been used as a corner stone in systemic mineral and vitamin therapy to this effect since the 1980’s. What is new is the form of magnesium we supply, Magnesium Chloride.
Food processing depletes magnesium, and the vast majority of Americans eat mostly processed foods. When wheat is refined into white flour, 80 percent of the magnesium in the bran is lost; 98 percent is lost when molasses is refined into sugar. Similarly, magnesium is leached out of vegetables that are boiled in water or frozen. Additives such as aspartame and MSG, as well as alcohol, also deplete magnesium stores.
One study confirmed earlier reports that a marginal magnesium intake overexcites the brain's neurons and results in less coherence--creating cacophony rather than symphony--according to electroencephalogram (EEG) measurements. During half of the six-month study, 13 women consumed 115 milligrams of magnesium daily--or about 40 percent of the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA). During the other half, they got 315 mg daily--a little more than the 280 mg recommended for women. After only six weeks on the marginal intake, EEG readings showed significant differences in brain function.
Magnesium exists in the body either as active ions or as inactive complexes bound to proteins or other substances. Minerals in general rule over other nutrients because vitamins, enzymes and amino acids, as well as fats and carbohydrates, require them for activity. There are 17 minerals that are considered essential in human nutrition and if there is a shortage of just one the balance of the entire system can be upset. A deficiency of a single mineral can negatively impact the entire chain of life, rendering other nutrients ineffective and useless.
In addition to being the most essential mineral in our cellular energy production, magnesium is also needed for the ingested B-vitamins to become metabolically active. Magnesium is also essential for the synthesis of nucleic acids, for cell division to occur, for DNA and RNA synthesis of our genetic material, for protein as well as fatty acid synthesis. Virtually no one is promoting magnesium as a lifesaving mineral. Life Extension
"The first and most crucially important thing we need to do is to address in the most powerful and quick way possible is our magnesium deficiencies. When it comes to healing and life itself, after the water we drink and the air we breathe, magnesium lives up to its billing as the miracle mineral that can save us in our time of desperate need. Called by the ancient Chinese the beautiful mineral its beauty is seen in the absolute healing power it contains. It is nothing short of a miracle mineral. It holds the key for hundreds of crucial enzyme reactions and cellular processes. Magnesium chloride, when supplied in sufficient quantities, can kick start cell physiology in a very powerful way. Few know that magnesium chloride is an impressive infection fighter and even fewer know that the best way to deliver magnesium to all the cells is through transdermal means.”
"Magnesium chloride is the ultimate in preventive medicine as well as an all purpose clinical tool used to treat more clinical situations than any other single therapeutic agent.”
Parkinson's Disease and the Use of Magnesium Chloride
From Nancy English (via The International Medical Veritas Association)
"Parkinson's . . . I have completed my first day of Magnesium Oil therapy on William who has had Parkinson's for over 20 years. I am hoping for a revival of functionality, but not with high expectations because of the severity and duration of his symptoms. His condition before starting the magnesium oil was: He couldn't talk at all. Could not articulate whatsoever! He was barely functional and did nothing voluntarily. No exercise and no attempt to stop drooling. The drooling was getting so bad and so constant that I was beginning to isolate him to his bedroom in his big recliner because the carpets are new here and the enzymes of the saliva stain permanently. And it appeared to be getting worse by the week.
That's how he was. He also had started getting violent with me. If I pushed him too hard he would fly into a rage and hit me with whatever he could lay his hands on. I applied the Magnesium Oil twice yesterday, and he woke this morning and washed his own face, cleaned his teeth and put on his robe by himself - without being told to do these things. This is unheard of and hasn't happened for two years. What is more, he is not drooling. The drooling has been massive and absolutely uncontrollable for about a year. His swallowing reflex is simply going. He has had his nutritional drink, his coffee, his brain formula, fresh veggies and scrambled eggs and hasn't drooled once. So, my hope is high. This is the best I've seen for a very long time. After only three days interestingly his speech has been much better over all. I am applying it faithfully three times a day all over him. I will just keep up the application and let time do the explaining.
I am very encouraged by the improvement in speech. I honestly did not expect to see any results. His eyes are brighter, the concentration is longer and better, and the speech is much improved. By no means has he become a toastmaster but at least he can string two or three words together now and does not freeze up completely. I am spraying him 3-4 times a day on his back, belly, inner thighs, inner arms, chest and soles of his feet primarily. I put an ounce in his bath and am spraying about 50 sprays each time I anoint him.
From Nancy English
Magnesium is one of the key minerals for regeneration; it is used in over 350 enzymatic reactions in the body, more than any other mineral.
Next to (O2) and iodine, magnesium is the third most important element for sustaining life as well as reversing disease and aging. 79% of the American population is magnesium deficient.
Severe (O2) deficiency is largely due to a lack of minerals, specifically magnesium and sodium bicarbonate. Mg is necessary for the transportation of O2/CO2 in and out of the cells.
Severe Magnesium deficiency is due to calcium dominance of levels as high as 3:1 Calcium to magnesium. The proper level is supposed to be 4:1 Mg to Ca. Calcium intake with with homogenized and pasteurized hormone-laden dairy is 10:1 ration of Ca to Mg!
The mitochondria generate the thermal energy in the body similar to power generated by utility companies in the home. Inside the 100 trillion cells in the body are the power plants known as the mitochondria. These power plants burn energy(glucose) to generate energy known as ATP through mitochondrial respiration whereby O2 enters for combustion and CO2 exits for waste. Healthy cells(90 millivolts) can have 3000 Mitochondria and unhealthy cells (15 millivolts=Cancer) can have 200-300 hundred. The number one reason for Cancer is mitochondrial failure from iodine deficiency; the under-lying cause is Mg deficiency from oxygen-based mitochondrial respiration. A red blood cell (animal) and a chlorophyll (plant's blood) have the same molecular structure except for iron and Mg. Plants and animals can both transmute elements (biological fission) turning Mg into Iron! Mg is "nature's physiological calcium channel blocker" that prevent excess Ca deposits from clogging arteries, calcifying joints, creating kidney stones, hardening organs, glands and nerve sheaths, and dental plaque. Mg helps manage the parathyroid, an endocrine gland that regulates parathyroid hormone and calcitonin. PTH triggers bone to release calcium into the blood. Calcitonin triggers Ca absorption into the bones, teeth where it belongs. Mg is involved in protein synthesis and transformation which is why high protein diets lower magnesium levels. RNA the genetic substance that synthesizes proteins is built on Mg. RNA is believed to control thought and memory and the structure of all organs. DNA as well as many of the body's hormones, enzymes and tissues are made of protein. So Mg deficiency can cause either a raising or lowering of Ca blood levels: the body is unable to respond to PTH. Vitamin D and Ca supplementation is only corrected with Mg.
Mg is the calming mineral for relaxing muscles, relaxing arteries and calming nerves. Whereas Ca contracts muscles, Mg relaxes them.Nutritionist Thomas Steinmetz found Mg deficiency is the cause of death from sudden Heart attacks in 8 million people in the U.S. from 1940-1994. Mg is rapidly used by the adrenal glands in times of stress. Depressed and suicidal patients have more adrenaline in the blood than normal and mg normalizes over-production of excitatory hormones such as adrenaline. Mg maintains proper electrical potential (voltage), across nerve and muscle membranes. Mg increases white blood cells ability to fight infection by 300%. The body does not hold onto Mg like Ca, Mg excretion is a function of high stress, sugar intake, alcohol, caffeine, diarrhea, high protein and fruits.
Symptoms of Mg Deficiency: Insomnia, Obesity, Migraines, PMS, Chocolate Cravings, Emotional Instability, Depression/Apathy, Anger, Nervousness, Anxiety, Epilepsy, Gall Stones, Congestive Heart Failure, Chronic Fatigue, High Blood Pressure, Constipation, Diabetes, Muscle Cramps, Osteoporosis, Kidney Stones, Memory Problems, Noise Sensitivity, Numbness and Tingling, Nervous Tics, Excessive Perspiration, Anorexia, Asthma and Accelerated Aging.
I shoot for extreme health which is the foundation for Age Reversal. Mg is one of the most important minerals that we need to be saturated with to achieve full mitochondrial production. It is the beginning of health, not the end. The ability to evolve our genetics and reverse genetic damage and activate those pesky DNA strands is a function of massive high energy states, in which proper nutrition is a basisKevin Courtois, Researcher