Fibrocystic Disease

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Natural Remedies for Fibrocystic Breast lumps
Fibrocystic breast lumps are benign and common in pre-menopausal women, around 50% of all women are likely to experience fibrocystic lumps at some point in their lives.  Controversially, they are sometimes referred to as Fibrocystic disease.
Breast lumps can occur in one or both breasts and are freely moveable, the breasts may be swollen and or tender; they are often more noticeable shortly before menstruation.  Some research indicates there may be an increased tendency towards breast cancer in cases where a biopsy reveals abnormal breast cells, but most women do not have abnormal cells.
There is some evidence from scientific studies that that coffee, tea, cola and chocolate which all contain methylxanthines can produce biochemical changes in breast tissue.   Most commercial meat contains hormones that can exacerbate symptoms, we would therefore strongly recommend that these are removed from the diet (indeed everyone should avoid these toxic substances in the diet!). If you do eat meat, you should buy organic from a good source.  
Natural Remedies for Breast Lumps
Breast lumps are an indication that the hormones are unbalanced, and the most effective natural remedy for hormone imbalance is Wild Yam.  It supplies nutrients, which rapidly enable our endocrine glands to produce a complex array of hormones. Yam contains plant hormone precursors which help in the production and balancing of progesterone and oestrogen.  The evidence available suggests that these can sometimes help to prevent and to resolve breast cysts, and may be used as a nutritional support for breast cancer and fibroids.  It is also useful for endometrical cancer, fluid retention, weight gain, depression and low thyroid function.
The essence of the action of yam appears to be in facilitating the production of a substance, which has the shortened name DHEA, 'the mother of hormones'.  DHEA levels drop considerably as we age, and research indicates that this is a dominant factor associated with the development of degenerative disorders and many general enervations of health.
DHEA is also referred to as 'the anti-aging hormone': its widespread effects are due to its role of 'mothering' the production of over 50 other hormones.  Researchers now believe that adequate DHEA production may help modulate the following:  fatigue, depression, stress, memory problems, obesity, tumour growth, viral and bacterial infections, high blood pressure, collagen and skin integrity problems, osteoporosis and immune response.
American doctors are finding DHEA useful in treating chronic fatigue syndrome, sexual function problems, menopausal problems and premenstrual syndrome.
We also recommend the addition of Hemp Oil to the diet.  Hemp oil is nature’s most balanced oil for human nutrition (3:1 LA to LNA ratio) and is easily digestible; in fact this oil could provide all of our Essential Fatty Acid (EFA) requirements for life, due to the balanced 80% EFA content of the oil.  It contains GLA which has been found helpful in alleviating breast cysts.  Hemp has had a long-standing relationship with humanity; modern science reveals that it contains all the essential amino acids and essential fatty acids necessary for human life. With a pleasant nutty flavour, Hemp Oil is ideal for use in salad dressings, mayonnaise, dips etc. Not suitable for frying as this reduces the benefits.
Beware of artificial progesterone, only naturally sourced progesterone supplements should be used.
Regular self examination of the breasts is important and any changes in the breasts should be examined by a medical practitioner.