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Natural Treatment for Mumps

Mumps is a virus infection cuased by a myxo virus that causes enlargement of the two salivary glands in the cheeks at the angle of the jaw.  Other symptoms may include a dry mouth, fever and headache.  Mumps does not usually cause lasting effects, but if caught after puberty, mumps may cause swollen, tender testicles and may cause subfertility in a minority of those affected, Mumps may also cause inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) sometimes lead to miscarriage and, very rarely, also inflammation of the central nervous system.   An adult with mumps should seek medical advice. 
The following natural remedies are gentle in their action but powerful enough to ease the symptoms considerably.
We recommend the "Natural Antibiotics" - Colloidal Silver and Olive Leaf Extract for Mumps.  Ongoing research may eventually restore Colloidal Silver to its once accepted status as probably the most versatile and effective natural agent against bacteria.     It has a hugely important bonus in that bacteria find it almost impossible to develop resistance to it.  It can be applied topically and taken internally. Olive Leaf Extract is a broad spectrum, natural antibiotic with anti-oxidant effects and is an excellent natural remedy for Mumps.
We also recommend Zell-Oxygen for all health conditions - a product that has many years of successful clinical use behind it and can justly be described as an essential supplement.  Rich in all B Vitamins as well as A, E, D, K, beta carotene, minerals, trace elements, and amino acids such as Methionine, Gluthathione and Cysteine. Followed by Co enzyme A and Co enzyme Q 10. plus a number of  other enzymes, serves to raise the overall level of health which and would certainly be helpful in cases of Mumps.