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Natural Remedies for Pyorrhoea
Pyorrhoea (periodontal disease) is a disease of the gums. It affects the membrane surrounding the roots of the teeth and lead to loosening of the teeth, and shrinkage of the gum; it is the primary cause for tooth loss among adults.
The gums become swollen and tender and pus may ooze – this can find its way into the stomach.  This may cause the stomach not to function properly affecting digestion and liver. Pyorrhoea is triggered by bacterial activity which can produce many toxins.   The development of pyorrhoea can be affected by chemical irritants, incorrect brushing and stagnation of food particles.
There are many silica and silicon supplements on the market, but we believe that the Organic Silicon G5 is unique in its therapeutic ability to replenish the system with sufficient silicon to allow the body to accomplish its own healing.  By hardening the enamel, silica prevents cavities and preserves teeth. Silica also prevents bleeding gums, gum atrophy, and recession that causes the loosening of teeth, which could ultimately lead to tooth loss. Vegetal silica effectively fights caries (ulceration and the decay of a bone or of a tooth) and inflammation.
Ongoing research may eventually restore Colloidal Silver to its once accepted status as probably the most versatile and effective natural agent against bacteria.     It has a hugely important bonus in that bacteria find it almost impossible to develop resistance to it.
Vitamin C is vital for healthy gums as it promotes the formation of healthy new gum tissue. Studies have shown that even a minor Vitamin C deficiency may increase the risk of serious gum disease.  Taking Vitamin C a as a food state supplement as opposed to a synthetic product will be even more effective in reducing the inflammation and infection.   We recommend Acerola Cherry Extract - one of the richest natural sources of vitamin C, higher than rose hips.   It is immune enhancing and helps the growth and repair of tissue.
Capra Mineral Whey and Boron contains more than 20 naturally occurring minerals in a highly complex whole food form which our bodies recognize and utilize with ease, a highly concentrated, alkaline, mineral food.  The Boron helps with the integration of calcium and as  gum problems partly stem from loss of calcium from the jaw / mouth area due to calcium deficiency, this product is useful in cases of Pyorrhea.
Zell Oxygen is rich in all B Vitamins as well as A, E, D, K, beta carotene, minerals, trace elements, and amino acids such as Methionine, Gluthathione and Cysteine. Followed by Co enzyme A and Co enzyme Q10 plus a number of  other enzymes.  Studies have shown Coenzyme Ql0 to be highly effective in cases of  periodontal disease and as a powerful anti-oxidant, Zell is a fantastic natural remedy for Pyorrhea and will benefit your overall health in many ways.