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Treating Dyspepsia Naturally
Dyspepsia refers to many digestive problems such as stomach discomfort, gas, bloating, belching, appetite loss, and nausea.  Many health conditions can cause digestive distress, the term "dyspepsia" is most often used when no identifiable medical cause can be detected.
Dyspepsia has been attributed to inadequate bile flow from the gallbladder and whilst this is not a proven cause, herbal remedies that stimulate gallbladder function have a long history of use for dyspepsia.  Cayenne has been used as an effective natural treatment for dyspepsia.  In a double-blind study, 30 individuals were given either 2.5 grams daily of red pepper powder (divided up and taken prior to meals) or placebo for 5 weeks.  By the third week of treatment, individuals taking red pepper were experiencing significant improvements in pain, bloating, and nausea as compared to placebo, and these relative improvements lasted through the end of the study.
Please also see the article Digestive Disorders
Other Natural Supplements for Dyspepsia Click the links for product articles or to buy in our online shop. 
Zell Oxygen
Digestive Enzymes
We also recommend you read our two nutritional programmes the Core Regime and Factors Involved In Auto-Immune Disorders And Effective, Natural Treatment Protocols. may also be helpful.  The remedies recommended  overlap so you can select remedies to suit your individual requirements.