Treating Cluster Headaches Naturally
Cluster headaches are extremely painful and come in groups, this can range from 2 attacks a week to several in the same day. Attacks come on suddenly, starting with an itching or watery discharge from one nostril, which becomes an intense pain on that side of the head, spreading around the eye. It is common for there to be breaks of several months before the attacks re-occur.
The most common cause of headaches, including migraine can be traced to poor hydration and lack of full spectrum salts. One dessert spoon of
Ionic Minerals and Trace Elements in a pint of water taken over the day plus at least one other pint of water (don’t drink too much tea or coffee or alcohol as these all help to dehydrate) often relieves headaches, migraines and dehydration of the brain.
Two traditional names for
Noni have been ‘painkiller tree' and 'headache' tree. It has been accepted that one of noni's major benefits, is in its relief, of most types of pain. Doctor's and other health professionals interviewed believe that noni helped 88% of their pain patients. At the Laboratory of Pharmacosny of the University of Metz in France, they have found noni has a central analgesic (pain killing) effect, being 75% as effective as Morphine Sulphate in relieving most pain.
Noni (Morinda Citrifolia) is a fruit with extraordinary healing properties, it is a natural remedy that has been used successfully for over 2,000 years in Polynesia, China, India and elsewhere. The
Noni fruit grows best wherever there is pollution free Volcanic soil. As a food supplement noni is prepared in juice, freeze and sun dried form. The dried form seems to be the most beneficial as its enzyme content is alive and active. Liquid
Noni is pasteurised - a process requiring a high temperature that destroys all enzymes destroying a therapeutic aspect of the fruit.