Ross River Virus

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Ross River Virus
(Epidemic polyarthritis / Dengue fever)

Infection by the Ross River virus causes an illness known as Ross River fever. Many people infected with Ross River virus, particularly children, have no symptoms, and the severity of symptoms increases with age. Symptoms vary from person to person, and may include fever, chills, headache, especially behind the eyes, joint pain, swelling, stiffness, muscle aches, aching tendons, rash, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes.

Strengthen the immune system with Zell-Immune and Naturleaf, eliminate the infection more quickly by adding Colloidal Silver or Olive Leaf Capsules.  Help to reduce the arthritic symptoms with Boron capsules or Capra Mineral Whey and Boron preferably for a more wholistic programme.

The most distinctive and distressing feature of Ross River virus infection is usually joint pain. Any joint in the body may be affected, but the most common sites are the wrists, knees, ankles, fingers, elbows, shoulders and jaw. The pain may be more severe in different joints at different times. In most cases, symptoms disappear within 6 weeks, though some people may still have symptoms after a year or two, and the symptoms may come and go. About 10% of people have ongoing depression and fatigue.

Diagnosis is made by a series of blood tests. Other illnesses with similar symptoms may need to be excluded. The infection is spread from infected animals (native animals and livestock) to humans by mosquito bites. In large outbreaks, mosquitoes may also spread the virus from infected people to other people. Direct person-to-person spread does not occur.

Incubation period (time between becoming infected and developing symptoms)

3 days to 3 weeks, usually 1 - 2 weeks.

Infectious period (time during which an infected person can infect others)

Direct person-to-person spread does not occur. People can pass the virus back to mosquitoes which bite them during the last few days of the incubation period and for several days following the onset of symptoms.

Control of spread

Exclusion from child care, preschool, school, or work is not necessary. Self protection from mosquito bites is the key to prevention:use insect repellents containing either

DEET (Diethyl toluamide - Always read the manufacturers’ instructions prior to application. Wash DEET off before going to bed in the evening. Do not use on infants or toddlers if the DEET concentration exceeds 20%), or

Picaridin, to cover areas of exposed skin.

Wear loose fitting, light coloured clothing covering as much of the body as possible. Mosquitoes can bite through tight fitting clothing (e.g., jeans)

Use 1 mm insect screens on your house, boat, caravan, or tent. If this is not possible, use a mosquito net when sleeping. Mosquitoes breed in still water (fresh and salty). Clean up mosquito breeding sites around your house.