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Natural Remedies for Laryngitis
Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx and usually features hoarseness or loss of the voice.  The larynx contains the vocal cords which become. inflamed or infected and swell during laryngitis.  The most common form of laryngitis is caused by a virus, or can be caused by a bacterial infection or occur during a common cold or flu. Allergies can also cause Laryngitis.

The following natural remedies will speed the healing process and provide other unexpected health benefits!

By taking Propolis we can build up our resistance to infections, but even if we leave it until we become infected, Propolis is able to mitigate the worst effects.  There is probably not an area of health from which propolis' range of action can be excluded.   Much of the energy and stamina that may or may not be available to us is dependent on a healthy immune system.   In short, Propolis can be summed up as immune enhancing, protector and healer. Dr Remy Chavin reported: "No other antibiotic has this total result on bacteria". Propolis raises the body's natural resistance to infection by stimulating its own immune system.
Colloidal Silver is a broad spectrum, natural antibiotic with anti-oxidant effects and is an excellent natural remedy for Laryngitis.
Zell Oxygen is rich in all B Vitamins as well as A, E, D, K, beta carotene, minerals, trace elements, and amino acids such as Methionine, Gluthathione and Cysteine. Followed by Co enzyme A and Co enzyme Q10 plus a number of  other enzymes. Zell is a fantastic natural remedy for Laryngitis and will benefit your overall health in many ways.