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Natural Help for Tension
The pressures of modern day living effect us all to some extent, an excellent health and nutritional programme can make considerable impact on our ability to cope with the stress of work, family and life in general!   By addressing your overall health, your mind and body can begin the healing process and generalised tension will be naturally alleviated.
Eating raw unprocessed foods, free of steroids, antibiotics and additives, limiting the intake of sugar, alcohol, and caffeine, getting rest and taking exercise will all help. Please read more in Essentials to Support the Healing and Regenerative Process. Tai-Chi is particularly useful as a natural method of treating tension.   


The Core Regime will help - a proven nutritional program that improves health naturally. By addressing overall health in a holistic manner, many health conditions are alleviated and even resolved completely.  

Zell Oxygen is a first choice in any healing programme and is particularly useful for stress, it is healing for the nervous system and essential for treating chronic fatigue and nervous and mental disorders. Rich in all B Vitamins which are particularly useful for anxiety symptoms) as well as A, E, D, K, beta carotene, minerals, trace elements, and amino acids such as Methionine, Gluthathione and Cysteine. Followed by Co enzyme A and Co enzyme Q 10. plus a number of other enzymes. This wonderful combination raises health in a natural way and is a vital supplement.

MSM helps the body deal with both physical and psychological stress. This is especially appropriate with psychosomatic disorders, e.g. digestive disturbance that is nerve or stress related. Persons taking MSM report increased alertness, concentration, more level moods and sometimes a relief of depression and anxiety, often within hours - an excellent natural supplement for tension.

Many people report that daily use of seawater helps with energy balance.  Persons who are hyperactive or stressed tend to be normalised.  Persons low in energy, especially if depressed, tend to normalise.  In many, the use of Ionic Minerals has been curative of depression. 

Manic states can also be normalised. This is partly explained by the calming elements of magnesium, lithium and bromine found in sea water.  All natural elements found in sea water are non-toxic.  Synthetic Lithium is a common treatment for anxiety, but the small quantities contained in ionics in it's NATURAL state is a useful natural treatment for stress.

Noni regulates mood, energy, and temperature control, it enhances the activity of the pineal (a gland deep in the brain). This gland produces important neurotransmitters called serotonin, and melatonin, which help to regulate Mood, temperature, sleep, puberty and the ovarian Cycle. With the enhancing of serotonin levels in the brain, many people have experienced significant relief from their depression, and other mood disorders such as hypomania (excessive highs).

Reishi Mushroom is a wonderful herb (or functional food) for the nervous system. Indications include insomnia, anxiety or nervousness accompanied by general adrenal weakness or general neurasthenia or deficiency symptoms. In people suffering from insomnia, it enhances relaxation and increases sleeping time. It is especially suitable for the sensitive patient who is normally difficult to treat, as remedies tend to over stimulate.

We particularly recommend molasses as part of the nutritional programme for healing the nervous system and in cases of tension.  Read more about Molasses in SIMPLE & EFFECTIVE MEASURES TO REMINERALISE THE BODY