Attention Deficit Disorder

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What is ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)?

Attention deficit disorder (ADD) is a neurological disorder that can cause a range of behaviour problems such as difficulty attending to instruction, focusing on work, keeping up with assignments, following instructions, completing tasks and social interaction. ADD is often diagnosed when one is a child, but many people are not diagnosed as ADD shows very different symptoms to someone with ADHD and can often go undiagnosed. In addition, students with ADD may have learning disabilities and are often at risk for repeated disciplinary problems in schools/work. In fact, adults and peers alike may conclude that such students/co-workers are lazy because of their inattention to tasks and failure to follow through with assignments. While ADD is extremely common, misperceptions about the disorder continue to circulate. Children with ADD are generally not disruptive in school. They may even sit in class quietly, but that doesn't mean their disorder isn't a problem and that they're not struggling to focus.

Symptoms of ADD (Without Hyperactivity)

How is ADD Diagnosed?

A doctor may refer your child to a child psychologist who can do formal testing on your child to both see if he/she fits the criteria for ADD, and where they happens to be on the spectrum. Not only can this testing help differentiate ADD from other issues which may be causing difficulty with school work, but can be used to follow a child's response to interventions over time. You may get some help by asking advice from a school counselor, teacher or physician about appropriate ways to handle ADD and the steps to take to get assistance.

Recommended Supplements for ADD

Attention Deficit Disorder is common today, and a large group of symptoms can be indicative of the disorder but many factors can lead to the diagnosis of ADD and the diagnosis is often extremely subjective. A variety of studies have shown that diet, nutrition and lifestyle play an extremely important role. Also all chemicals and processed foods should be eliminated from the diet.

Zell Oxygen/Immunocomplex - Can justly be described as an essential supplement, and in almost all cases, a key part of any regenerative programme. Zell Immunocomplex has many years of successful clinical use behind it; it is the ultimate ‘food-state’ nutrient package. Due to its specific enzymes it compliments a full spectrum of natural vitamin and mineral formulations as recommended in the Core Regime. As many studies have identified the importance of nutrition in ADD patients, getting high quality vitamins and minerals in a form in which ones body can effectively assimilate can make a large difference and produce far better results than manufactured vitamin tablets.

Ionic Liquid Minerals - Full spectrum salts from the Great Salt Lake in Utah provide a complex mixture of many salts, minerals and trace elements found in seawater; these harmonise with the body's cells and internal fluids to support good health. Each batch is analysed for contaminants and heavy metals and is not released unless the strict specification is met. Many people also report that daily use of seawater helps with energy balance. Those who are hyperactive or stressed tend to move towards normalisation, those low in energy, tend to normalise also. In many, the use of Ionic Liquid Minerals & Trace Elements has been curative of depression and help with manic states. This is partly explained by the calming elements of the magnesium, lithium and bromine found in sea water. It should be noted that this is not the same product as Concentrace and other "Great Lake" Minerals which have had about 90% of the sodium chloride removed, rendering them an unnatural product.

Zinc and Copper (Food-state) – A study on the effects of Zinc in patients with ADD revealed that zinc may reduce hyperactivity and impulsivity which is not always an important factor of ADD. The part of the study that does relate to ADD is that low levels of zinc may also correlate with inattention. Food State Zinc is combined with copper to prevent a possible risk of copper deficiency during long-term usage. Zinc and copper compete for the same absorption sites, and an excess of zinc can ultimately cause a copper deficiency. Each tablet contains 15mg Zinc and 1mg copper. Food State Zinc is presented to the body complete with amino acids and nutrient carriers from the associated probiotic culture giving the body a far better assimilation rate.

Lifestyle Changes to Improve ADD

Lifestyle plays a highly important role in ADD and can make a huge difference when trying to treat ADD without taking a stimulating drug such as Ritalin or Adderall. Both of these drugs are known to have serious negative side affects and many parents are extremely worried about their children using these drugs.

Behaviour Intervention Plan - Whether or not parents choose to medicate their children, most physicians and child psychologists suggest that a behaviour intervention plan should be developed to help teach kids adaptive behaviour skills and reduce inattentive behaviours. Many doctors actually see this method as more helpful than drug use, especially because some people diagnosed with ADD or ADHD actually don't have these conditions but behave as if they do due to personal or family problems. Behaviour intervention plans can help children with problem behaviours, whether they actually have ADD or exhibit ADD-like behaviours. Certainly, there is an advantage of behaviour intervention plans long term, as these adaptations may result in permanent improvement in concentration skills which medication simply cannot provide.

Omega-3 fatty acids - Multiple studies, including a 2020 trial in Translational Psychiatry and a 2017 study in the Journal of Lipids, indicate that taking omega-3 fatty acids can be beneficial for symptoms related to ADD/ADHD, such as attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. There are 2 active compounds in omega-3 fatty acids: EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). Research suggests that fish oil higher in the EPA form of omega-3s may be the most helpful, but it depends on your type of ADD/ADHD. Dose suggestions for adults are 2,000 to 6,000 mg of high-quality fish oil a day (1,000-2,000 mg for children.)

Reduce Stimulants - Reducing stimulant intake such as caffeine and nicotine can be beneficial to the patient. The brain SPECT imaging work at Amen Clinics—over 160,000 functional brain scans and growing—shows that caffeine and nicotine decrease brain activity over time, sometimes, significantly. In addition, both interfere with sleep, and people with ADD/ADHD often have difficulty sleeping.

Exercise - The neuro-psychiatrists at Amen Clinics have seen a direct relationship between the level of exercise a patient gets and the severity of their symptoms (more exercise = less severe symptoms). Physical activity helps to boost blood flow to the brain. In addition, when ADD patients are playing sports, such as basketball, where there is intense aerobic exercise, they tend to do better in school or at work. For kids, if you can’t find a safe exercise, take them on long, fast walks.

Limiting screen time - A 2019 study analysed that keeping screen time at no more than 30 minutes per day can be beneficial for patients with ADD. It was noted that when screen time exceeded 2 hours a day, there were "clinically significant” increases in attentional problems and other symptoms associated with ADD/ADHD.

Try not to yell at them - Many people with ADD have low activity in the prefrontal cortex due to lower levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine. To feel more alert, they may find themselves seeking conflict or excitement. They can be masterful at making other people mad or angry at them. Try not to lose your temper with them, because it often makes things worse. If they get you to explode, their unconscious, low-energy prefrontal cortex activates and unconsciously, they can start to crave it. Try not to let your anger become their medication as they can get addicted to it.

Diet is important - Most people with ADD/ADHD do best with a higher-protein, lower-simple carbohydrate diet. This isn’t true for all types of ADD. People with Type 3: Over-Focused ADD tend to respond better to a more balanced diet with more complex carbohydrates.